Alcohol, Drugs and the Family Social Support Scale (ADF SSS)

Alcohol, Drugs and the Family Social Support Scale (ADF SSS)

Alcohol, Drugs and the Family Social Support Scale (ADF SSS) used in psychology are essential tools for clinical and research assessments. This post is based on dissertations submitted by students during their academic programs. At ‘Mental Health,’ we arrange and provide these resources to you. Here is the complete list of resources (Click Here). To access these materials, click on the ‘Avail File’ section below.”

Alcohol, Drugs and the Family Social Support Scale (ADF SSS)
Alcohol, Drugs and the Family Social Support Scale (ADF SSS)

About Alcohol, Drugs and the Family Social Support Scale (ADF SSS)

The Alcohol, Drugs and the Family Social Support Scale (ADF SSS) is a specialized assessment tool designed to measure the perceived social support among family members of individuals who misuse alcohol or drugs. Substance abuse not only affects the individual but also has a significant impact on family dynamics. This scale is valuable for understanding how family members cope with the stress of living with someone who struggles with addiction and their access to social support during these challenges.

Purpose of the Tool

The Alcohol, Drugs and the Family Social Support Scale (ADF SSS) is used to evaluate the social support perceived by family members of individuals dealing with substance abuse. The tool helps assess how supported family members feel by their social networks, including friends, extended family, and community resources. This assessment is critical in identifying gaps in social support, which could influence the emotional well-being of family members and their ability to cope with the strain caused by substance misuse within the family.

Description of the Tool

The ADF SSS is designed to assess different dimensions of social support experienced by family members of individuals who abuse substances. It measures:

  • Emotional Support: The level of empathy, care, and understanding family members perceive from their social circle.
  • Practical Support: The degree to which family members receive help with daily tasks and responsibilities.
  • Informational Support: Access to advice, guidance, and knowledge that family members receive to help them cope with the challenges of addiction.
  • Network Support: The overall size and strength of a person’s social network, including how frequently they receive support.

Respondents rate their perceptions of support on a Likert scale, ranging from “Not at all” to “Very much.” The total score indicates the overall level of perceived social support, with higher scores reflecting stronger social support systems. This tool is especially helpful in both clinical settings and research environments where the focus is on family well-being amidst substance abuse issues.

Age Group

The ADF SSS is suitable for adult family members or close relatives of individuals struggling with alcohol or drug misuse. It is commonly used in counseling and therapy settings, family support groups, and research studies focused on substance abuse and family dynamics.


Toner, P. (2009). The development of a social support measure for the family members of problem substance users. PhD Thesis, University of Bath.

Toner, P., & Velleman, R. D. B. (2014). Initial reliability and validity of a new measure of perceived social support for family members of problem substance users. Addiction Research & Theory, 22(2), 147-157.

Avail the File

For more information on the Alcohol, Drugs and the Family Social Support Scale (ADF SSS) and its applications in assessing the social support of family members dealing with substance abuse, visit our Contact Us page. At ‘Mental Health,’ we provide resources and assistance in utilizing this tool for both clinical and research purposes.

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