4 simple methods help you keep you in perspective under the worst conditions

4 simple methods help you keep you in perspective under the worst conditions When we face complex situations, our brain increases their severity. We focus on the problem, start it again and close ourselves in a negative spiral. Instead of denying or suppressing our feelings, there are more suitable ways to deal with difficulties. Some … Read more

These behavior shows that you are very difficult to yourself

These behavior shows that you are very difficult to yourself If someone told you that you were much more than yourself and was very much in self-critic, then you replied: “I’m just realistic”, you are probably Hard with yourself“People who are very difficult with themselves, they generally believe that their self-criticism is appropriate,” former clinical … Read more

What are “low -ignorance” friends and why are they necessary in our lives?

What are “low -ignorance” friends and why are they necessary in our lives? In a world where low -oriented friendship appears as a real gift in a world where everyday tulle is seen and exchanged. They provide the possibility of placing authentic links without constant appearance pressure. There is no need for daily discussion or … Read more

Here is told whether we have met “good” person according to a shrinking

Here is told whether we have met “good” person according to a shrinking Beyond the butterflies in the abdomen and initial attraction, a lasting relationship is based on a major element: emotional security. When a fellow is a source of support and comfort, he becomes a real pillar in the life of other memories that … Read more

“This is a subtle form of psychological violence”: This broad educational method can create trauma in adulthood

“This is a subtle form of psychological violence”: This broad educational method can create trauma in adulthood As if Repeat with your inner child (Le Brett de’ar version). A study published in 2022 Journal Cyc Central It turned out that “silent treatment” stimulated the brain area that records pain. So silence is actually a form … Read more

This approach to loneliness helps you feel better when you spend time alone

This approach to loneliness helps you feel better when you spend time alone Depending on our jobs, our rhythm and our life options, we inspire to spend more or less time alone. With the moments alone with themselves, some are particularly uncomfortable and try to fill this loneliness at all costs. There is evidence that … Read more

This will undoubtedly be one of the strongest films that you will see in cinema this year

This will undoubtedly be one of the strongest films that you will see in cinema this year This will undoubtedly be one of the most ambitious and strongest films that you will see in cinema this year. Hungarian Jewish architect (fictional), who moved to the Death Camps, Pennsylvania, a large fresco of over three and … Read more

This personality characteristic allows you to build solid habits

This personality characteristic allows you to build solid habits In an article published on Psychology todayProfessor Nadav Klein examines the boundaries of the concept of will, on which we are often based on our ability to complete this or that project. Will and temptation are often associated with self -control, in collective imagination. Nadav Klein … Read more

7 sentences to avoid a shrinking in front of your children

7 sentences to avoid a shrinking in front of your children Being a parent, there is emotions, fatigue and everyday stress. In these moments of stress, some words are with us, without measuring their scope. However, children absorb these words and integrate them into their personal construction. If no one is correct, it can avoid … Read more