Relational Humor Inventory

RHI is a self -report developed by De Koning and Weiss in 2002 to assess humor functions in close relationships, especially romantic partnerships. I realize that humor can play both positive and negative roles in relationship dynamics, RHI evaluates how individuals look at their use and their partner’s police in various sociological contexts. Inventory includes … Read more

Repetitive Thinking Questionnaire

Repeated thinking questionnaire (RTQ) is a self -report that has been developed to evaluate repeated negative thinking (RNT), a perceptual process characterized by continuous and repeated ideas about an individual’s concerns or experiences. RNT is recognized as a factor through the diagnosis involved in maintaining various emotional disorders, including anxiety and depression. If you interested … Read more

Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men Scale (ATLG)

The attitudes towards lesbians and gay men’s scale (ATLG) is a cycometer tool developed by Dr. Gregory M. In 1988 to assess the positions of individuals of two different sexes towards lesbians and gay men. The scale consists of two branches: attitudes towards lesbians (ATL) and parking towards gay men (ATG), each containing 10 elements. … Read more

Problematic Tinder Use Scale

The problem of problem Tinder (PTUS) is a psychological measurement tool that has been developed to assess the extent of problematic participation with the application of dating. PUTUS is based on the GRIFFIHS ‘model (2005) of six ingredients for addiction, and PTUS evaluates six basic elements: demonstration, tolerance, mood modification, relapse, withdrawal, and conflict. Each … Read more

Dating App Motivation Scale

The dating application stimulation scale (dams) is a cycometer that has been developed to assess the motives of individuals to use dating applications. Based on the previous Tinder motivation by Sumter et al. (2017), which specifically focused on Tinder, the dams were circulated to include a wider set of dating applications. The scale consists of … Read more

Thematic Apperception Test

The Test Perception (TAT) is a proactile psychological evaluation tool that was developed in the 1930s by Henry Murray and Christiana Morgan from Harvard University. TAT is designed to explore the basic dynamics of the character, and includes the introduction of individuals with a series of mysterious images that depict various personal situations. Expatriates are … Read more

Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI)

Mood and characters (TCI) is a comprehensive questionnaire for the self -report that the psychiatrist C. Robert Cloninger has been paid to assessing seven dimensions of the human personality. It is based on a psychological model, which distinguishes TCI between mood features and character features: If you interested in getting the scale or need further … Read more

Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire

SIQ, which was developed by William M. Reynolds, an autonomy assessment tool is designed to measure the intensity and repetition of suicidal ideas in adolescents and youth. It is widely used in clinical, educational and research environments to identify individuals at risk of suicide. Professional questionnaire helps assess the existence of suicide thinking and take … Read more

Self-Control Scale

SCS is a comprehensive self -report tool developed to assess individual self -control differences, the ability to organize ideas, emotions and behaviors in compatibility with long -term goals. It originally includes 36 elements, and SCS assesses various aspects of self -control, including motivation control, healthy habits, and goals. A shorter version of 13 elements known … Read more

Brief Self-Control Scale

BSCS is a 13 -elements self -report tool that has been developed to assess individual differences in restraint, and the ability to regulate ideas, emotions and behaviors in compliance with long -term goals. Self -control is a pivotal building in psychology, linked to various positive results such as the best amendment, academic success, and personal … Read more