These behavior, apparently harmless, can cheat emotional infidelity in couple

These behavior, apparently harmless, can cheat emotional infidelity in couple If some cross the boundary, which separates the imagination of reality, then tries to oppose the temptation from others. The theme is timely: social networks, completing applications and anxiety -poaching references encourages joints to expand elsewhere. And there is no need to take action to … Read more

These two personality symptoms can protect your long wedding

These two personality symptoms can protect your long wedding Being in a relationship does not always guarantee the absence of solitude. This feeling, which reveals itself by the impression of isolation even in the presence of another, can affect the relationship satisfaction and sexual harmony. It is also associated with negative consequences on mental and … Read more

According to this expert, these two requirements can ruin a romantic relationship.

According to this expert, these two requirements can ruin a romantic relationship. This is not new: Love is a complex spirit and romantic relationships are even more. Between different languages ​​of love which differ according to everyone, managing the needs of partners, emotions … a couple relationship is not clear. Some behavior can weaken it … Read more

This general phenomenon may be a symptom of acute stress

This general phenomenon may be a symptom of acute stress Intense stress and anxiety sometimes suffer from their prejudices. We often imagine that stress manifested by a nervous air pushes us to hypervantylum, sometimes tears, shocks and excessive sweating. If stress and anxiety can actually appear in this way, there are many other means we … Read more

7 specific sentences were pronounced by an alcoholic spoils

7 specific sentences were pronounced by an alcoholic spoils They are eager for Magalomaniyak, Jealous, Self -Spick and Meditation. Narisist thinks that everything is because of them and does not hesitate to exploit others to achieve their ends. Although each of them has its own uniqueness, they are all a matter of excessive concern for … Read more

Time Structure Questionnaire

Time Structure Questionnaire is a self -report developed by Bond and Feather (1988) to assess individuals’ perceptions of the structure and the purpose of using time. In recognition of the psychological importance of time management, TSQ aims to determine how individuals organize their daily activities and how to drink these activities in the sense. If … Read more

This type of person is more likely to practice fabbing

This type of person is more likely to practice fabbing Israeli researchers have detected the link between fabbing, level of sympathy and the tendency to practice prosecution behavior. Published in study Psychological reportThis indicates that the most theme of this habit shows low levels of sympathy and has a low trend to adopt philanthropic behavior. … Read more

Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire

Puzzy and retrospective memory questionnaire (PRMQ) is a self -report tool developed by Smith et al. (2000) to assess the frequency of memory failure in daily life, and to distinguish between possible memory (remembering the intended procedures) and the memory retrospectively (remembering past events or information). If you interested in getting the scale or need … Read more