5 things not to do after work, according to productivity experts

5 things not to do after work, according to productivity experts If you want to maximize your productivity, it’s tempting to want to do as much as possible, even after your workday is over. However, this approach may be counterproductive. Productivity experts interviewed by E huffpost Highlight the importance of using this time to recharge … Read more

Do you know the 2-minute rule for overcoming procrastination?

Do you know the 2-minute rule for overcoming procrastination? Procrastination is a powerful enemy of our productivity. Often we put off tasks that pile up and become a cause for anxiety. Yet the solution may be surprisingly simple: Do the task in two minutes. Popularized by productivity experts, this method offers a solid approach to … Read more

Les 5 étapes qu’un manipulateur utilise pour créer de l’emprise

Les 5 étapes qu’un manipulateur utilise pour créer de l’emprise Médecin psychiatre et psychothérapeute, Odile Darbon est spécialiste en thérapie comportementale et cognitive. Elle est également l”autrice, avec Frédéric Fanget, de l’ouvrage Affirmez-vous face aux manipulateurs (Odile Jacob). Elle nous confie les différentes étapes du scénario d’un manipulateur et les pistes pour le déjouer. Comme … Read more

Purist Retreat & Spa, our favorite wellness concept

Purist Retreat & Spa, our favorite wellness concept We share a common vision with The Purist Retreat & Spa: to provide concrete and customized tools to take care of yourself, develop inner balance and foster a deep re-connection with yourself. Stephanie Pick, director of writing, says, “In psychology, we delve into the importance of providing … Read more

4 “Love Ideals” of Love Compatibility.

4 “Love Ideals” of Love Compatibility. Love often seems mysterious, but science provides us with the keys to better understand our commonalities. According to renowned anthropologist Helen Fisher, four major love archetypes emerge from our biology: the discoverer, the creator, the director, and the negotiator. These typologies, influenced by our neurotransmitters and hormones, shape our … Read more

3 breathing techniques to quickly let go of intrusive thoughts

3 breathing techniques to quickly let go of intrusive thoughts “Most relaxation techniques begin with a prerequisite: awareness of the breath,” says EMDR practitioner, author, and director Michelle Freud. michel freud trainingThis is the principle of meditation: to observe this passive coming and going without forcing it and to pay attention to it whenever the … Read more