Drug Use Disorders Identification Test

Drug Use Disorders Identification Test

Drug Use Disorders Identification Test used in psychology are essential tools for clinical and research assessments. This post is based on dissertations submitted by students during their academic programs. At ‘Mental Health,’ we arrange and provide these resources to you. Here is the complete list of resources (Click Here). To access these materials, click on the ‘Avail File’ section below.”

Drug Use Disorders Identification Test
Drug Use Disorders Identification Test

About Drug Use Disorders Identification Test

The Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT) is a self-report screening tool developed to identify individuals who are at risk of drug abuse or dependence. It was designed to complement the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) and to offer a reliable method of assessing drug-related issues. The DUDIT is widely used in both clinical and research settings to detect problematic drug use early and to facilitate appropriate intervention.

Purpose of the Tool

The primary purpose of the DUDIT is to screen for drug use disorders, including abuse and dependence, in a broad range of populations. It is designed to help healthcare professionals quickly identify individuals who may need further evaluation or treatment for drug-related issues. The tool’s simplicity and effectiveness make it a practical resource for use in various healthcare settings, from general practitioners’ offices to specialized substance use treatment programs.


Developed by Berman, Bergman, Palmstierna, and Schlyter in 2003 at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, the DUDIT was created to address the need for a specific, easy-to-use screening instrument for drug-related problems. Prior to the development of the DUDIT, most screening tools focused heavily on alcohol misuse, leaving a gap in the detection of non-alcohol drug use disorders. The DUDIT was therefore designed to focus specifically on the use of illicit drugs, prescription medications, and other non-alcoholic substances.


The DUDIT consists of 11 questions that explore various aspects of drug use behavior over the past 12 months. The questions cover the frequency of drug use, concerns about use, the need to reduce or stop using drugs, and feelings of guilt or regret related to drug use. The first nine items focus on drug use behavior and the last two on the negative consequences of drug use.

Respondents are asked to answer each question based on their personal experiences, with responses ranging from “Never” to “Daily or Almost Daily” on a Likert-type scale. A cut-off score of 6 or more points for males and 2 or more points for females indicates a likely need for further assessment and possible intervention.

Psychometric Properties

The DUDIT has been shown to have excellent reliability and validity across different populations. Internal consistency, measured by Cronbach’s alpha, typically ranges from 0.80 to 0.90, indicating strong reliability. Studies have also confirmed its construct validity, with the DUDIT correlating well with other measures of substance use disorders. Furthermore, it has demonstrated good sensitivity and specificity, making it an effective tool for screening drug use disorders in both clinical and general populations.

Age Group

The DUDIT is appropriate for use with individuals aged 16 and above. It has been used successfully in a variety of settings, including schools, primary care clinics, addiction treatment facilities, and prisons, making it a versatile tool for screening drug use disorders in both adolescents and adults.


Berman, A. H., Bergman, H., Palmstierna, T., & Schlyter, F. (2003). The Drug Use Disorders Identification Test Manual. Karolinska Institutet, Department of Clinical Neuroscience Section for Alcohol and Drug Dependence Research, M4:02, 171 76 Stockholm.

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Reference File: Addiction-A42


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