Drug Use Disorders Identification Test Extended (DUDIT-E)

Drug Use Disorders Identification Test Extended (DUDIT-E)Title

Drug Use Disorders Identification Test Extended (DUDIT-E) used in psychology are essential tools for clinical and research assessments. This post is based on dissertations submitted by students during their academic programs. At ‘Mental Health,’ we arrange and provide these resources to you. Here is the complete list of resources (Click Here). To access these materials, click on the ‘Avail File’ section below.”

Drug Use Disorders Identification Test Extended (DUDIT-E)
Drug Use Disorders Identification Test Extended (DUDIT-E)

About Drug Use Disorders Identification Test Extended (DUDIT-E)

The Drug Use Disorders Identification Test Extended (DUDIT-E) is an advanced screening tool designed to assess the severity of drug use and identify potential drug use disorders. Developed by Berman, Palmstierna, Källmén, and Bergman in 2007, the DUDIT-E extends the original DUDIT by including additional items that evaluate motivational factors and the individual’s readiness for change. This tool is widely used in clinical and research settings to screen for substance use disorders and to guide treatment planning for individuals struggling with drug misuse.

Purpose of the Tool

The DUDIT-E is specifically designed to:

  • Assess Severity of Drug Use: Measure the frequency and impact of drug use over a set period.
  • Identify Drug Use Disorders: Detect potential drug use disorders based on the individual’s responses to key questions.
  • Evaluate Motivation for Change: Understand the individual’s level of motivation to quit or reduce their drug use, which can inform tailored intervention strategies.

By capturing both the severity of drug use and the motivational state of the individual, the DUDIT-E provides a comprehensive profile that clinicians can use to design personalized treatment plans.

Description of the Tool

The DUDIT-E is an extension of the original Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT), which consists of 11 questions that assess the frequency, quantity, and consequences of drug use. The extended version adds a motivational index, expanding the scale to evaluate:

  • Drug Use Behavior: How often the individual uses drugs, the types of drugs used, and the situations in which drug use occurs.
  • Consequences of Drug Use: The social, psychological, and physical consequences that arise from drug use.
  • Motivational Aspects: The individual’s readiness to change, desire to quit or reduce drug use, and their perceived ability to stop.

The questionnaire uses a Likert scale where individuals rate the frequency of drug use and the strength of their motivational attitudes. The results provide insight into the individual’s risk for drug use disorders and their willingness to engage in treatment.

Age Group

The DUDIT-E is suitable for adults and adolescents who are at risk for or currently experiencing drug use disorders. It is applicable in both clinical assessments and research studies that focus on substance use disorders and treatment outcomes.


Berman, A. H., Palmstierna, T., Källmén, H., & Bergman, H. (2007). The self-report Drug Use Disorders Identification Test-Extended (DUDIT-E): Reliability, validity, and motivational index. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 32, 357-369.

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If you would like to learn more about the Drug Use Disorders Identification Test Extended (DUDIT-E) or access it for research or clinical purposes, please reach out through our Contact Us page. At ‘Mental Health,’ we are committed to providing access to reliable assessment tools to enhance research and intervention efforts.

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