Treatment of SAD
Here in this post, we are providing the “Treatment of SAD. You can discuss more your concerns about mental health in our community, and we will provide you with tips and solutions in a short time. Keep visiting Mental Health.
Separation anxiety disorder is typically managed with:
- Psychotherapy
- Medication

Psychotherapy, often referred to as psychotherapy or talk therapy is the process of working with a therapist in order to decrease the symptoms of separation anxiety.
The cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a successful therapy for separation anxiety disorders. Through therapy, your child will learn to confront and deal with fears of separation and fear of uncertainty. Parents can also be taught how to provide emotional support to their children and encourage appropriate independence.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy
The most effective treatment is cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). In CBT, children learn strategies for coping with anxiety. The most common techniques include relaxation and deep breathing.
Therapy for interaction with parents is a different option to cure SAD. It is comprised of three major phases of treatment:
- Child-focused interaction(CDI)
- The Bravery-Directed Interaction(BDI)
- Parent-directed interaction
Child-focused interaction(CDI)
It is a method that is focused on improving the overall quality of the parent-child bond. It is characterized by warmth, affection, and praise. They help build children’s feelings of safety.
The Bravery-Directed Interaction(BDI)
It is a method of educating parents on the reason why their child is anxious. The therapist for your child will create a ladder of bravery. The ladder will highlight scenarios that trigger anxiety. It provides rewards for positive responses.
Parent-directed interaction(PDI)
It teaches parents to clearly communicate with their children. This can help manage bad behavior.
A positive school atmosphere is key for successful treatment. Your child requires a secure area to go to in times of anxiety. Also, there should be a means for your child to talk with you in the event of school hours or at other times they are absent from their home. Also, the teacher of your child is expected to encourage interaction with fellow students. If you are concerned about the environment in which your child is taught discuss it with the principal, teacher, or guidance counselor.
Sometimes, combining medications with CBT could be beneficial if symptoms are serious. Antidepressants known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) could be a viable option for children as well as adults.
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