3 Behavior adopted emotionally by intelligent people
Emotionally intelligent people navigate better through the ups and downs of life. Their ability to regulate their feelings, consider others and appreciate the journey rather than simple results allows them to achieve personal and business goals in a more calm manner.
Psychiatrist Erin Leonard shared these major behaviors to adopt his daily life in an article Psychology today,
1. Cultivate gratitude and emotional regulation
Emotionally intelligent people focus on what is going well even in difficult times. Instead of being overwhelmed by negative events, they find a “money thread” in each situation, which helps them to overcome crises with flexibility.
When a situation becomes stressful, these people remember that there are always positive aspects, such as the health of their loved ones or stability in other areas of their lives, thus strengthening their ability to move forward.
2. Choose “High Road”
Emotionally intelligent people sometimes know how to give up their need to win as a high goal. They are capable of selecting collective interest or harmony rather than hanging on a small struggle.
Let us take the example of a player who likes to pass the ball to his team partner, yet that such philanthropy not only promotes the unity of the team, but also allows him to achieve the recognition he is entitled to in the long term.
3. Appreciate the procedure as a result
Emotionally intelligent people know that Anand not only stays in achieving the ultimate goal, but also in every moment of experience. They cultivate passion for a long time, where the route is traveling, he is rewarded as a destination.
Unlike those who focus only on the result, because someone who runs to achieve his objectives to obstruct his relationship, these people enjoy in each interaction, thus strengthening their personal and professional development.