3 keys to self-control according to a scientist

3 keys to self-control according to a scientist

Why are some people successful in sticking to their goals, while others often succumb to temptation? Self-control, this ability to resist impulses to align one’s actions with one’s values ​​and ambitions, plays an important role.

Higher levels of self-control are associated with a fuller, healthier, and more successful life. According to a study published in Current opinion in psychologyUnderstanding the mechanisms of self-control through metacognition can make a big difference. Here are three keys to achieving this.

1. Understand the job requirements

Effective self-control begins with awareness of the demands of the task at hand. Some activities can be physically tiring, such as an intense workout program, or emotionally difficult, such as starting a diet. Anticipating these challenges can help you better prepare for them.

For example, by recognizing that a difficult administrative task is likely to be boring, you can organize your environment in a way that keeps you motivated. Mentally preparing for challenges helps minimize surprises and take a proactive approach to obstacles.

2. Develop Appropriate Strategies

Strategic knowledge is about identifying strategies that promote self-discipline. Thinking about the positive outcomes of an effort, such as the satisfaction of losing weight or improving your health, can increase your motivation.

Changing the environment can also be a winning strategy. If you have trouble staying focused, listening to music during a repetitive task or reducing distractions in a demanding setting can optimize your performance. The main thing is to choose strategies that match the specifics of the task.

3. Explore your personal beliefs

Your perception of self-control directly affects your behavior. If you view this resource as unlimited, you will be more willing to set ambitious goals. On the other hand, if you feel that your self-control is rapidly diminishing, you run the risk of inadvertently limiting yourself.

Ask yourself: How do you understand your self-control abilities? By adopting a flexible vision and allowing yourself to progress at your own pace, you will be able to turn your beliefs into a lever to achieve your goals.