3 surprising qualities common to ADHD people

3 surprising qualities common to ADHD people

The negative aspects of ADHD are well known: procrastination, frequent forgetfulness, distractions, difficulties with attention… But as surprising as it may seem, ADHD people develop unsuspected qualities thanks to their disorder. And for good reason, those affected must face difficult situations to flourish, allowing them to develop unique skills that are off the beaten track.

Laura Geati, neuropsychologist, regularly sees ADHD patients in her office. Through research and consultations, she was able to observe the extent of their skills.

Taking initiative

In contact with ADHD people, Laura Geati noticed a predominant quality in her patients: taking initiative. “People with ADHD are often more resilient,” says the specialist. Contrary to what one might believe, they know how to take the lead, act and undertake, which allows them to develop their self-confidence by working more than the norm.” Hence the fact that many geniuses and entrepreneurs have ADHD. We think in particular of the founder of Microsoft Bill Gates, the legendary boxer Mohamed Ali or the prodigy music composer Mozart. If what they have in common is being ADHD, however, we must take into account the other side of the story.

When they procrastinate, they are inevitably less effective. But conversely, in times of crisis, the people concerned reveal themselves more than ever: “when ADHDers are in a crisis situation, for example, at work with short deadlines and high responsibilities, they highlight their qualities linked to taking initiative, illustrates Laura Geati. Of course, maintaining their attention is not easy, but they have a capacity for commitment that pushes them to surpass themselves.” The cause: hyperfocus, an advantage specific to ADHD. This translates into their ability to “focus their attention on an activity and forget the world around them. The ideal is to concentrate on specific tasks for a short period (30 min) in order to avoid being too easily distracted and to be able to remain attentive to external events”, we learn on the site from ADHD France. Entrepreneurs, high-level athletes, politicians… ADHDers are definitely a big part of this world!


Succeeding, when you have ADHD, in maintaining work rhythms of exceptional intensity, and, what is more, being able to concentrate on projects that capture your interest, is only possible if these activities are guided by passion. . “ ADHDers have boundless creativitynot only artistically but also in their ability to solve problems, explains Laura Geati. They are capable of making original associations of ideas, which allows them to stand out through their singularity. »

This aspect of their personality allows them “to be hyperfocused, an intense form of mental concentration on a task (editor’s note), and very invested in their chosen field. When they are passionate, they enter a state of “flow”, that state of optimal effortless concentration.” This quality, if brought to light, can become a real asset in their professional life.

Overflowing energy

On the behavioral aspect, Laura Geati notes the friendly, spontaneous and joyful side of ADHD people. “Even though their impulsivity can have negative repercussions in their relationships, ADHDers are caring, generous and empathetic. These remarkable qualities allow them to benefit from boundless energy, observes the neuropsychologist. In their brain, they have a particular modality in the reward (and pleasure) circuit, hence their need for immediate and frequent reward. This quest for dopamine will also lead ADHD people to the need to develop their interests and constantly take an interest in new activities.

It’s probably their ADHD that gives them this impulse. They want to act and progressto overcome the attention difficulties they face on a daily basis, sometimes giving us the impression of being inexhaustible. But be careful, warns the specialist, this energy must be judiciously directed to transform into an engine. Getting organized, prioritizing daily tasks, better managing your time: strategies for living with attention deficit disorder can help people with the condition transform their disability into strength!

ADHD, a handicap despite everything

Provided they are put to good use, these qualities require a caring environment where ADHD people can fully find their place, without risking being marginalized. One of the essential conditions for the emergence of these talents lies in the acceptance of difference. “It is also crucial to maintain a good level of motivation to avoid discouragement, while ensuring not to restrict your responsibilities because of your disability,” advises Laura Geati.

Remember, ADHD (attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can become disabling on a daily basis. “Characterized by high levels of inattention, and/or agitation and impulsivity, ADHD is a source of persistent cognitive and relational disabilities,” underlines Inserm in a press release. Beyond the difficulties it causes at school or at work, but also in the family and social context, ADHD leads to an increased risk of accidental injuries, addictions, depression and suicide. Hence the need to identify it and take charge of it, to mitigate its impact.”