3 ways to deal with strong emotions, according to an expert
We all get overwhelmed with emotions sometimes. They can be sudden, surprising or even latent and can gradually undermine our self-esteem and our well-being. These strong emotions are above all a reflection of great sensitivity and it is unquestionably an asset to move through life, provided we know how to deal with it and be happy with our weaknesses!
Professor Lawrence J. Cohen recently published a paper on media psychology today To provide your perspective on how to tame your emotions, even the strongest. He provides a kind of toolbox containing emotional strategies to practice on all occasions. “Every adult can use a robust toolbox of healthy ways to manage intense emotions. If we don’t have this, we will try desperately to push these feelings away and explode when that doesn’t work – which happens all the time.“He explains. Learn this expert’s advice for managing and calming down.
Deal with your emotions with full awareness
The first thing teachers suggest is to break this habit of pushing our emotions away: We must acknowledge the strong emotion that passes through us, even if it is a negative, difficult emotion. For this expert, it is essential that we no longer try to deny or hide our feelings.“Consider the possibility that you can become fully aware of this feeling rather than pushing it away or running away from it,He explains. Faced with an emotion that overwhelms us, we can decide to focus on it with full awareness, to understand all its aspects: “An emotion is something that is happening within you. Emotions I have physical sensations.” Pay attention to the physical sensations of this emotion,” the expert advises.
If you manage to surrender completely to your emotions, you may notice a feeling of dry mouth, or even tears at the corner of your eyes. The teacher then invites you to let these sensations express themselves. If this is unpleasant for you, accompany this work by preparing sentences of gratitude, for example, Lawrence J. Cohen tells us. “It’s okay, I’m safe”or even “When I feel this emotion I can choose what to do, even if it is strong.” Thus, this method allows you to take your emotions into account rather than coming to terms with them and running away from them.
Calm your emotions by returning to a calm state
Sometimes accepting your feelings is not enough. Then we must gradually manage to return to peace. Once again the professor explains to us that this is only possible if we take the time to accept it. We are then able to calm this feeling: slow and deep breathing allows calmness to return gradually and in a positive way.
With these breaths it is possible to perform actions that are kind to oneself: pampering yourself, patting yourself on the shoulder like you would console a child… “Calm and soothing can be powerful responses to strong emotions. Calming an emotion is not the same as driving it away. “Spontaneity means we recognize the emotion, deal with it, and let it settle.”Experts tell. Calming your emotions opens the door to a better relationship with yourself.
release our strong emotions
The third way is to release your emotions i.e. letting them go slowly. “We’ve all received a lot of messages that feelings are dangerous, unfeminine, manly, and a waste of time. But emotions have a natural need to be channeled, to express themselves physically, and then to let go. You can release any emotions in a safe and healthy way”Lawrence J. Cohen explains.
To support this journey of our emotions, he recommends accompanying this movement with an action associated with the emotion: if you are overwhelmed with fear, you can start to tremble, in the same way you would to release your anger. Might growl like a lioness, or hit a pillow, methods that are routinely suggested to children whose frustrations and emotions are powerful.
Once the emotion has subsided and we are on our way, we slowly return to a calm state, using the principle of deep and slow breathing specifically associated with gratitude: “Take a few deep breaths and quietly relax into your body. Feel your feet on the ground. Congratulate yourself for opening yourself to this experience of becoming aware of emotions, gently calming them, and releasing them. Gives advice to the professor.