4 ways to benefit from our emotional skills at work

4 ways to benefit from our emotional skills at work

they say soft skills : These post-secondary skills are gradually becoming more important in some companies. Would managers have understood that their company’s efficiency and collective success could not happen without the psychological and overall well-being of employees?

Vocational or technical skills have obviously been the basis of all recruitment for a long time. When it comes to finding the right talent to guarantee the job gets done well, information remains the key word. However, in the ever-changing professional world, we find ourselves grappling with new needs. Technical skills no longer seem sufficient to guarantee a positive and productive work experience.

Emotional and behavioral skills, a new challenge for overall well-being

Soft skills are defined by “professional knowledge”. Thus they would refer to the behavioral skills that enable us to interact harmoniously with our colleagues or superiors. Managers are now aware that these interpersonal skills, grouped under the notions of emotional intelligence or emotional skills, are the key to better group cohesion.

Mastering your emotional skills is therefore a real asset for increasing your own efficiency, but above all your day-to-day fulfillment in your professional life. They can allow us to improve our interpersonal relationships, manage potential stress affecting us or our coworkers, and, overall, achieve and maintain a balance between personal and professional life. Here’s how we can leverage our emotional skills in our work environment.

develop better self-knowledge

We all have a foundation of emotional intelligence. More or less everyone recognizes it and uses it in various areas of daily life. For example, some people start out with stronger empathy than others, but learning to know your emotional assets by working on self-awareness, the ability to recognize and understand your emotions, is essential!

For example, understanding our way of functioning and our emotional skills can help us better understand the impact of our emotions on our decision making. By working on this self-knowledge you can easily overcome blockages and grow with more peace within your company. Recognizing your relational and human strengths is a fantastic lever to thrive beyond numerical results! To do this, you can simply take a little time for yourself, every day, to enter into a process of deep self-knowledge. You can start with daily writing, or short meditations.

Stephan Toubiana, Director School of Life Paris, This is explained in a paper published by , an international organization that draws inspiration from culture and psychotherapy to support companies in developing the emotional skills of their talent. RH likes , “If we have not taken enough time to familiarize ourselves with our strengths and weaknesses, if we do not know ourselves well enough, it becomes very difficult to properly understand a situation and identify the right context in which We can exercise our leadership The basic function of leadership: to inspire others to create collective mobilization.”

Expand your field of vision through creativity

school of life Provides support to develop the emotional skills of employees in companies based on motivation workshops: “We believe that self-knowledge is needed to restore the desire, the joy of work, and the realization of oneself through work, but also through culture. Not just corporate culture, but culture in the broadest sense, one that nourishes us intimately and that makes each of us active actors in the world.” Stephen Toubiana explains.

Therefore, embracing culture in the broadest sense is a real driver of change to get new momentum, new inspiration to better flourish in your job. A shift in perspective that will allow us to develop our creativity and broaden our relationships with others. When we know ourselves better and allow inspiration to come back, we are better able to express our ideas and pursue collective projects!

Reconsider your relationships with yourself and others

Because, in reality, collective well-being is often a headache for managers and human resource managers. Understanding between employees still often gets relegated to the background, even though it is a key issue for the collective success and well-being of employees. There is currently a lot of discussion about social skills and these include effective communication, healthy cooperation and good conflict management. These skills are essential for building trusting relationships and achieving collective goals.

Do you suffer from internal conflict or tension in your relationships with your coworkers or managers? By doing previous work on your emotional functioning, you will be able to better anticipate situations that make you uncomfortable and you will be able to learn to manage them better. You can practice expressing your ideas clearly and giving constructive feedback without fear of others’ judgment, but also better read the emotions of your interlocutors. Be prepared to question your habits!

work on your empathy

We all need empathy in our daily lives. To enhance this we need to work on “situational intelligence” as mentioned by Stephen Toubiana. “This intelligence of situations is also based on emotional intelligence. That is to say, our ability to empathize, our understanding of others and our ability to make positive use of the emotions generated by this or that situation, the ability to take advantage of emotions is the basis of leadership. The desire to manipulate, but Because honest and authentic feeling is tremendously unifying and inspiring. He explains.

You can work on your empathy skills by practicing active listening. Active listening is very easy to learn. To begin with, you need to listen to your interlocutor without interrupting, giving them your full attention, while adopting a positive and open posture. This way you will avoid crossed arms, signals of closure or withdrawal, and you will take care to maintain your gaze. Then, don’t hesitate to restate and summarize your interlocutor’s words to let them know that you heard them. By doing this active listening work you can strengthen your empathy, but also become aware of the issues that motivate others, for example in conflict situations.

Thus, by learning to better master your own emotional skills, you will be able to use them to fully thrive in your business. Investing in this work around emotional intelligence, and especially self-knowledge, is really a major factor in personal well-being and professional effectiveness!