6 signs that you are suffering from a inferior complex

6 signs that you are suffering from a inferior complex

“He should have an inferiority complex. You have probably ever heard or heard this sentence about the person who often wants to put himself forward For loss of othersThe behaviors that aim to reduce others, insult them to keep themselves forward and show overplad ego, sometimes it is easy to conclude that this person lacks confidence And feels intimately less for others.

But having an inferiority complex does not always need to prove its superiority, on the contrary. Drown in prejudices that worry him, it is difficult to identify the inferiority complex, especially at home.

What is an inferiority complex?

The inferiority complex is characterized by a constant sense of insufficiency or insecurity in everyday life, due to the belief that a person is physically or mentally lower than others, whether this punishment is based on a rational or evaluation, defined Does.American Psychological AssociationIn response to this complex, there are two types of behavior. Either the person who suffers from it turns himself at the point of not interacting with others, or he ends as a highly competitive to prove that he is not inferior, the site tells the site WebmdThis is in this second case that the inferiority can camp Change into a superiority complexIn the latter, the need to continuously prove the need for a sense of inferiority.

There are many explanations behind thinking in this way. Since childhood, adult behavior and global environment can constantly question its value and therefore To feel lessadvance Very good mindSome physical or behavioral characteristics, such as appearance or language disorder, can also inspire this feeling of insufficiency in the origin of inferiority complex in terms of money, or in terms of money.

6 signs that you have a inferior complex

Nawal Mustafa, a doctoral student in neurocycaology, says, “Understanding the premises of inferiority and superiority can improve the way we see and interact with others.” A publication On Instagram. Recognizing this kind of thinking helps your finger to help on the reasons that we feel and are aware of our behavior.

This is the reason that the expert has listed the signals that may indicate That you are suffering from a inferiority ,

  • You always think that you are not enough intelligent or you are not going to succeed.
  • You run away from opportunities because you are afraid to fail or do justice.
  • You think you need to tell you that you are doing a good job to feel good.
  • You often feel that you are not in your place and other people are better than you.
  • You still apologize when you do not do anything wrong.
  • You always take yourself forward to be perfect and it is a feeling that errors make you unsuccessful.