7 specific sentences were pronounced by an alcoholic spoils

7 specific sentences were pronounced by an alcoholic spoils

They are eager for Magalomaniyak, Jealous, Self -Spick and Meditation. Narisist thinks that everything is because of them and does not hesitate to exploit others to achieve their ends. Although each of them has its own uniqueness, they are all a matter of excessive concern for themselves.

DSM-V (Manual for clinical of mental disorders) lists nine clinical symptoms of intoxicating personality disorder. Reference Documents Define drugs as individuals who may “be confident about their own shape or hate themselves, be extroverted or socially isolated. Some are captains of the industry, others are unable to maintain stable employment, they can model both citizens and anti -social people”. Although we have the idea of ​​how the nervous sentence is, what is the idea that the nickel is, what is the idea that the nickel is. Often pronounce, they make it possible to identify their oversized ego.

“Without me, who knows where you will end!” ,

“If I would have failed the project if I” would not be part of the team. , This sentence can also be clarified by a narrowist. It reflects its feeling of personal importance, one of the disclosure signs listed by DSM-V, confirming that its importance in the intoxicating personality and its talent (Mangalomania) has an exaggerated and baseless meaning.

According to Suzanne Dags-White, on the researcher Northern Illinois UniversityNarisist is convinced that his contribution is precious, even necessary for the happiness of others. Whether in a couple, work or family, they think that their presence is necessary for the balance of relationships or proper functioning of a business.

“If I get this job, I will lead the company soon”

According to DSM-V, the narrowing personality is absorbed by unlimited success, impact, power, intelligence, beauty or ideal love imaginations. That’s why she can say like sentences “If I get this job, I will soon write my payment check and direct the company” Or “I will succeed in LSAT (admission to the Faculty of Law) and I will have a free space at Yale University. Wait and you will see! ,Fantastic Suzanne Dags-White in the columns of Psychology today,

It reflects the confidence of self -confidence, although exaggerated, intoxicating personality, according to which he is able to reach a higher level of exceptionally high levels of success, even if his skill provides no evidence that it is possible.

“I want to talk to the director”

Narcissistic personality thinks that it is special and unique and should only be included in people in the highest caliber. So she pronounces type of sentences “I want to talk to the director” Or “Yes, the director and I have known for a long time; We are good friends and I know she will be impatient to listen to me. ,

Through this speech, Narisistists try to fit in high -rank social groups, even if they are not desired. This behavior can also be seen more often in professional environment, in all areas of their life.

“You have seen how beautiful I am today?” ,

Drugs need to be praised without reservation. “He is not satisfied with a appreciation or a tape in the context of a friendly conversation,” says American researcher Suzanne Dags-White. He demands that the other praise his presence, his achievements, his skills or his existence ”. This is why, he will not hesitate to say: “Is it not surprising to see how the color of this shirt brings out my eyes?” ,

The praise of others nourishes it so well that the arrogance ends, which becomes another nature for narrowness. And the more we praise him, the more he hurries to repeat it that anyone wants to hear it. Just to prove, once again, its superiority.

“Get out of my way”

This phrase is aggressive rather than subtle, translates a specific belief of intoxication according to which everything is caused by him. He sees others as devices that allow him to achieve his ends. Not only does he lack self -immortal, but in addition, he lacks emotional sympathy, reduces the feelings and needs of his peers.

“Whatever they ask, Narisistists do it in their selfish interest and they do not feel any crime to expect others that they sacrifice themselves for them,” experts say, who quotes two specific sentences: ” Get out of my way “ Or “Make me a service and give me your place in the queue.” ,

“They know that they will never be as successful as me”

Narcissistic has a annoying tendency: to believe that other people constantly jealous it. Contradictoryly, he also spends his time in jealousy with others. Thus their need for success pushed them to consistently compare themselves by reducing their entry to preserve their ego.

Suzanne Dags-White explains, “General” or “average status”, which will represent the injury to the ego. A narrowist can say: Everyone notices me when I enter the room. They know that they will never be as successful as me. ,

Ego without comments

As we can easily imagine, the intoxicating personality is arrogant and disgusting. These are characteristics that are immediately seen in it. “It reveals itself with the lack of respect for positions or the rights of others and the desire of drugs and wait for others to demand others,” expert.

In this context, there is no pronunciation of any sentence or even a word. The narcissist has a complication attitude and does not hesitate to crush others without experiencing a minor screw. He does not speak but his silence is deaf.