Post-Hospitalization Behavior Survey – Day Surgery – Turkish version


The landscape of surgical care and postoperative recovery has evolved significantly with the growing acknowledgment of psychological and behavioral factors influencing patient outcomes. The Post-Hospitalization Behavior Questionnaire for Ambulatory Surgery (PHBQ-AS) has been an essential tool in assessing these factors in children undergoing outpatient surgical procedures. This article outlines the adaptation of the PHBQ-AS within a Turkish context, providing insights into its development, validation, and application in clinical practice.

Article and Scale Form

In relation to the research and adaptation process, two important documents are available for download:

Research Source and Reference

The PHBQ-AS has been adapted from the original scale developed by Jenkins, B. N., Kain, Z. N., Kaplan, S. H., Stevenson, R. S., & Mayes, L. C., which focuses on child postoperative recovery. The Turkish adaptation study was authored by Aylin Kurt, Fatma Dinç, Emine Güneş Şan, and Tülin Kurt Alkan (2024).

The reference for this adaptation is provided below:
Kurt, A., Dinç, F., Şan, E. G., & Alkan, T. K. (2024). Turkish Cross-cultural Adaptation of the Post Hospitalization Behavior Questionnaire for Ambulatory Surgery (PHBQ-AS). *Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 39*(4), 679-683.

Categories and Measurement Properties

The scale is classified under health sciences, particularly focusing on pediatric surgery and nursing. It is a tool designed to measure the postoperative behaviors and adjustments of children aged 1-12 years who have undergone outpatient surgical procedures.

Access to Additional Research

Additional research on the scale can be found at the following link:
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