Does marriage positive or negatively affect your mental health?
In the same way as a regular surprise that people are the most happy as a couple or single people, it is also necessary to ask questions on the psychological effects of marriage. The final step for those who are afraid of commitment, this union does not change the status of that citizen, it also affects it. Psychological health,
It is in any case what researchers were sought to demonstrate a study published in the magazine Nature human behaviorIn this research, authors demanded a relationship between marital state and symptoms of depression in countries with various cultural references.
A study through cultures
“Depression represents an important challenge for global public health, and the marital state is recognized as a possible risk factor,” is written by researchers. But this risk factor and previous studies on this association focused mainly with sufficient inequality on Western samples, they add. However, there may be cultural, socio-economic and educational differences between countries To be correct or, at least, to reduce it,
This is why in this new study, the researchers decided to conduct a large -scale analysis. Data of 106,556 participants from various National Health Surveys, the United States, United Kingdom, China, Korea, Mexico, Indonesia and Ireland between 2005 and 2020. The participants were classified according to their matrimonial state: married, single, divorced or separate and widows. Symptoms of their depression have been measured. Other data has been used for other factors, such as age, gender, education level, income and health behavior such as alcohol consumption and smoking, list, list. ConstableIn a second step, the researchers recruited 20,865 participants from five different countries over the years and followed the development of symptoms of depression and the mediated effect of alcohol and tobacco.
Effect of marriage on symptoms of depression
The results of this study showed that unmarried people had Symptoms of depression are more likely to suffer more He is married to married people. And this was confirmed in all the studied countries. Unmarried people have almost twice the risk of having depressed symptoms as married people. However, these risks were moderate by other factors.
The relationship between symptoms of single and depression is more pronounced in western countries such as the United States, United Kingdom and Ireland than eastern countries such as China, Korea and Indonesia. According to the researchers, cultural differences in social expectations, emotional expression and adaptation mechanisms may be involved in these differences. Single men have a greater risk of symptoms of depression than single women. A potential associated relationship For various support networks The style depends on. In addition, researchers also discovered that alcohol consumption and smoking played a cause role in the development of symptoms of depression among those who are not marrying in China, Korea and Mexico. “Our international analysis suggests that unmarried people can be highly exposed to the risk of depression, and that any effort aimed at reducing this risk, cultural reference, sex, level of education and consumption alcohol And should take into account the roles of drugs “,”,, summarize researchers.