Can you be tuned to shrink? Psychologist Claire Petin’s opinion

Can you be tuned to shrink? Psychologist Claire Petin’s opinion

In regular consultation, it happens that my patient allows you to “you” instead of “you”. It is not inconvenient to “install in the patient … me, I smile! But then, what is this slip and what should we interested in him?

This practice is, for a large number of psychologists, especially to establish mutual vouvoire as a standard in consultation with adult patients.

Vouvoyer as a standard in consultation

Opinion on this use changes. Some psychologists believe that (mutual) TU may strengthen therapeutic relationship by reducing formal barriers that is established vouvoyal, while others like to maintain a vouvoyer to preserve a professional distance and structure We do.

This practice varies according to training, outline, patient and socio -contented context of each businessman. Thus, with my adult patients, I install vouvoyer from the beginning.

Ensure a safe place

Patients also have various preferences: some feel more comfortable with TU, while others appreciate the distance and formality of the vower. It is true that over time, a certain proximity can settle and TU may seem to be a natural growth. This will promote the atmosphere of belief and encourage the patient’s self -respect.

However, it is important to note that psychologists are not a friend, can bring confusion in the medical relationship that set up the tutor. The distance created by vouvoyer, although is considered as coolness, in this sense, may be useful to maintain clear boundaries.

A odd medical relationship

I have seen, some patients cannot understand this distance and wonder why they cannot do the person they hand over the most intimate aspects of their existence. I explain them that in my opinion, this distance makes it possible to preserve the therapeutic structure, thus avoids misunderstandings and ensures a safe and professional space for their medical work.

Thus, if the vouvoyer can be considered uneven, it is not to establish a hierarchy between the psychological and the patient, but the therapeutic relationship testifies a lot of functioning that is fundamentally asymmetrical. Know that you can contact this question from the beginning of your medicine to understand the structure proposed by your shrinkage and to establish clear boundaries in the exchange. The challenge is that you find the general basis with the medical framework, respecting both your needs and moral needs.

A transgrant “you”?

Sometimes it happens that a “you see” or a “you know” survives an unexpected way from a patient’s mouth, often when he is deeply connected in his story. This slip creates a stunning effect, a break in the exchange that can smile you. Patients, aware of this slip, generally express discomfort and immediately apologize.

This phenomenon can occur especially in patients who have met for a long time and with which there is a good medical aligning. You then appear to be a brand of familiarity and closeness, a spontaneous and honest task, a certainly revealed to his speech. I typically welcome this “you” with kindness, when it is not a voluntary infection of the frame, it is without an asymmetrical interest. I do not consider this slip as a lack of respect or as a crime, but as a sign that the patient feels sufficiently confident to express himself independently. If this should happen to you, do not be ashamed and do not feel guilty, psychologists will not keep you rigid.