Specific profile: What a really reliable personality looks like here

Specific profile: What a really reliable personality looks like here

Are you sure that you can really trust? This is probably one of the most important criteria, especially in friendship, to find out if you can trust someone. Is this person worthy of this? Will she be loyal? Will you help you when you need it? Will he take your interests from the heart? And, on the contrary, do you think you are a reliable for your loved ones?

Reliability is a quality that is often put forward in the list of people to complete a professional mission, but it can also be shown It is necessary as part of our personal relationshipsThis is for this reason that we should ensure our understanding of credibility to recognize it in others and to know how to develop it at home.

To be reliable: What does it really mean?

For Clinical Psychology and Neurocycaology expert, Aarash Imamzadeh, “to recognize another person’s expectations and feel responsible for satisfying them.” Psychology todayIn his study “Who is trusted? Predicted in the trusted intentions and behavior published in 2018” Journal of Personality and Social PsychologyDue to the team of researchers Distinguish confidence and reliability,

“Faith reflects the desire of the person who believes to be unsafe based on positive expectations regarding the administrator, while the credibility reflects the administrator’s tendency to meet these positive expectations,” the researchers explained. In other words, to be considered reliable, it should be believed that the other side has expectations and feels responsible for meeting these expectations.

Symptoms of reliability: crime

In the 2018 study, the researchers wanted to know what one person did more reliable than the other. In order to make 401 adults addressed to 401 adults on their tendency to feel guilty in the given conditions, the researchers were able to draw some conclusions to present the credibility of another with a game of money connecting two participants. Tendency to feel guilty Played a role in mutual responsibility And, therefore, or not in behaviors demonstrating their credibility.

For Elizabeth Hopper, Clinical Psychologist,, “When they interact with their partner in the game, people are likely to guilty that they are bound to act morally.” Greater good magazineThe guilt occurs when individuals recognize a mistake they have committed, and people are subject to crime, to avoid adopting behavior. Who could hurt or disappoint othersTo avoid realizing this crime, people are engaged in such behaviors that fulfill the expectations of others. Also, if this is not the case and if there is an error, the guilt encourages them to try to restore the situation.

Specific behavior

To measure a person’s reliability, test his spirit of crime by questioning them about previous crimes and its potential repentance by questioning them or presenting him with a difficult dilemma, with whom he was faced with Can give a clue of its reliability,

Apart from this perception of crime, being Line with its valuesEspecially reliable people are the property of reliable people to match and take responsibility with their tasks. They are also honest at their actions, but their views and their feelings also list the site. HackspiritThey respect the boundaries of others, their feelings and their time. Reliable people recognize their mistakes and are ready to learn.