AACP ROSE – Recovery Oriented Service Evaluation (AACP ROSE)
American Association of Community Psychiatrist (AACP)‚ 2003
Email: [email protected]
1. Promotion of recovery is included in organization’s mission and vision
2. Service users are well represented in organization’s internal review and strategic planning processes
3. Stakeholders are recruited and retained to participate in organizational oversight and development
4. Consumers are compensated for participation in administrative activities (committees‚ CQI‚ etc)
5. Agency employs persons in recovery and persons with disabilities as mentors and counselors
6. There are significant opportunities for service users and service providers to interact outside clinical relationships
7. Service providers are knowledgeable about recovery principles and recovery promotion
8. Service users are enlisted to participate in training of service providers.
9. Service users are well represented and respected in CQI processes
10.Outcome indicators are developed with service user participation
11.Outcome indicators are available to and make sense to service users
12.There is comprehensive array of services available to meet all identified needs.
13.All clinical services encourage the use of self-management principles
14.Advance directives/crisis plans are encouraged and respected by the organization
15.A process is in place to assist service users to develop advance directives
16.A process is in place to assure review and implement advance directives during periods of incapacitation.
17.Organization is sensitive to cultural issues and provides services that meet cultural needs
18.Staffing patterns reflect community’s ethnic/racial/linguistic profile.
19.Treatment planning is a collaborative process between service users and providers
20.Service users are provided adequate information about service options to make decisions regarding their service plans.
21.Choices made by service users are respected by providers
22.Recovery management plans are developed that emphasize individual strengths and choice
23.Co-occurring disorders are treated at the same time and by the same clinicians
24.A screening process is in place to assure detection of co-occurring disorders
25.Organization meets competency standards for treating persons with co-occurring Disorders
26.Organization has program to reduce or eliminate the use of coercive treatment
27.Attempts are made to engage and empower persons on involuntary treatment status
28.Staff has been adequately trained to de-escalate volatile situations and to avoid seclusion and restraint
29.Debriefing occurs following all episodes of seclusion or restraint if it must be used.
30.Organization facilitates service user participation and leadership in advocacy and peer support efforts/organizations
31.Organization has an active liaison with local advocacy and peer support groups
32.Service users consistently indicate satisfaction with access to services.
33.Family members are engaged and educated to support recovery efforts.
34.Opportunities exist for family members to be involved in treatment planning and organizational development
35.Family members are represented on committees and are involved in staff training
36.Service users are encouraged and supported in pursuit of employment and vocational skills.
37.Development of educational and employment goals are emphasized in recovery plans
38.Individualized placement and support guides vocational activities
39.Tolerant housing is available to those who cannot maintain sobriety or stable recovery.
40.Service users are satisfied with housing options available.
Organizational Culture
41.Service users feel respected by service providers
42.Service users feel welcome and valued
43.Providers communicate with service users honestly and sincerely.
44.Documentation is an open process that service users may have easy access to if desired.
45.*Service users are informed of their rights and responsibilities.
46.There is an equitable process through which service users and providers can resolve conflicts or disagreement
Administration‚ Treatment‚ Supports‚ and Organizational Culture
0=Strongly Disagree‚ 1=Mostly Disagree‚ 2= Somewhat‚ 3= Mostly Agree‚ 4= Strongly Agree
Rater Category:
Service User
Family Member of Service User
Service Provider – Clinician
Service Provider – Administrator
Stakeholder Advocate
Overall ___ /184
Administration ___ /44
Treatment ___ /72
Supports ___ /44
Organizational Culture ___ /24
Key for overall score:
≥ 160 points Excellent
≥ 140 points Good
≥ 125 points Fair
≥ 110 points Needs significant improvement
≤ 95 points Traditional Standards