Do you have a higher than average IQ? Scales to calculate your intelligence

Do you have a higher than average IQ? Scales to calculate your intelligence

The intelligence quotient or “IQ” is the result of a psychometric test which provides quantitative indication of intelligence. Based on standardized tests, IQ measures thelogical intelligence and conceptual of a person.

The results obtained allow to assess our intellectual abilities by looking at specific criteria such as verbal comprehension, logic, memory, spatial visualizationetc. Carried out with a psychologist, the intelligence quotient questionnaire allows you to note the intellectual liveliness and mental faculties of each person.

The IQ scale according to Alfred Binet

Now controversial because it does not take into account certain subtleties of emotional or relational intelligence, this method of calculation was developed more than a century ago. We have to go back to 1906 when its inventor, the psychologist Alfred Binet, had to carry out a series of tests to identify children failing at school. His research expanded and eventually was used to measure what he called the Intelligence Quotient.

Since then, many psychologists have proposed their own IQ scale. We deliberately do not speak of a “test” but of “classification” by Alfred Binet which responds to a specific method of calculation:

  • Above 140: Genius or “almost” genius;
  • 120–140: Very superior intelligence;
  • 110–120: Superior intelligence;
  • 90–110: Average, or normal, intelligence;
  • 80–90: Stupidity, rarely classifiable as feeble-minded;
  • 70–80: Sometimes classifiable as stupid, often feeble-minded;
  • Below 70: Feeble-minded.

But be careful: having a low IQ (below 70) does not necessarily mean an intellectual disability. These tests do not the distinction between natural aptitudes and those due to the influence of the cultural environment or education.

The classification of IQ according to the David Wechsler scale

Over the years, this classification has been regularly updated by psychologists. The most recent classification scale is that of David Wechsler. This no longer takes into account the age of the participants, as was the case with Binet. More frequently used, the Wechsler questionnaire has long been considered the “gold standard” of IQ tests. It is measured according to the following levels:

  • 130 and above: Very superior intelligence;
  • 120–129: Superior intelligence;
  • 110–119: Above average intelligence;
  • 90–109: Average intelligence;
  • 80–89: Below average intelligence;
  • 70–79 : Intelligence limite ;
  • 69 and below: Extremely low intelligence.

According to David Wechsler’s IQ classification scale, the average IQ score is set between 90 to 109. This IQ measurement corresponds to the result of the majority of individuals.

Let’s keep in mind that the score does not accurately reflect an individual’s cognitive functioning. A person can perform very well in verbal language but perform less well in conceptualization or spatio-temporal cues. It is therefore often more interesting to look at the details of the score to know a person’s intelligence.

What is the average IQ of the French?

Depending on its socio-economic context, a country could see his average IQ progress or decline. According to a study published in the revue Intelligencewe note a clear decline in the intelligence quotient within Western countries. Thus, France is below the average standard IQ, set at 100. The average IQ of the French would be around 97 and 98. This figure is therefore in the range of 90–109 which corresponds to average intelligence .

Several studies reported by The Point indicate that France lost on average 3.8 IQ ​​points in a decade from 1999 to 2009. If scientists try to explain this phenomenon, it remains complex to precisely measure the impact of certain factors on the intelligence of French. However, certain avenues have been put forward by researchers, notably that of television. Spend several hours a day glued to the television screen would harm intelligence.

Another factor implicated in the drop in the IQ level of the French: endocrine disruptors. These harmful substances impact the action of iodine which plays a determining role in brain development. The rise of the cannabis use also plays a role in the decline in the intellectual acuity of the French, acting on the brains of the biggest consumers who are, on average, eight points lower than the others.

How to calculate your IQ? Take the test

TEST – What is your IQ?

If you want to know your IQ, and know where you are in the average French person, take the test! Our questionnaire was built on the model of intelligence scales currently used in international psychology. Although it cannot replace tests carried out with a psychologist, it will allow you to have an overall estimate of your intellectual level and the way you function.