The habit to adopt as soon as you wake up to feel good in your head and in your body, according to a neurologist

The habit to adopt as soon as you wake up to feel good in your head and in your body, according to a neurologist

Do you sleep almost eight hours a night, but nothing helps: when you wake up, you are already exhausted and the day that follows is difficult to manage? Don’t panic, we’ve all been there before. What if the cause of your fatigue was linked to your awakening? Because, yes, as soon as it rings, you “snooze” several times, or you get up straight away. Except that it must be admitted, if you are in the middle of sleep, this type of awakening can be quite brutal for the body, the mind and the energy.

According to Beth Ann Malow, neurologist at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, USA, waking up to an alarm clock would not be a good idea to maintain your well-being and energy: “Waking up naturally helps you feel more alert. But to get there, you have to start by understanding sleep cycles.”he told the media StudyFinds.

Sleep cycles: what are they and how do they work?

According to the expert, for truly restorative sleep and 100% energy, you need to understand your sleep cycle, in connection with the circadian rhythm (our body’s clock). As specified by the media, the sleep cycle is made up of four phases: “One of them is the REM phase, which is rapid eye movements. The other three are non-REM phases. When you fall asleep, you first enter a state of sleepiness called non-REM phase 1. Then come the phases of deeper sleepcalled phases 2 and 3 of non-REM sleep”explains the expert.

He adds: “About 90 minutes after you first fall asleep, you enter the fourth phase, REM sleep.” This is the form of sleep closest to wakefulness. It is a lighter sleep during which we dream a lot. Then, we return to a non-REM sleep cycle. All night long, these four cycles will follow one another. To be in good shape, the body needs as much REM sleep as non-REM sleep. Problem: if you are woken up by an alarm clock at an inopportune time, such as in a non-REM sleep phase, for example, you will then feel a constant state of fatigue throughout the day.

How to wake up naturally at a specific time?

The solution? Waking up without an alarm clock. Thus, the body wakes up at the right time, since the sleep cycle is over. The good news is that you can work on your sleep habits to train your body to wake up naturally at a specific time.

How ? By going to bed several days in a row at a fixed time. It is also recommended to have a balanced meal in the evening, to avoid coffee at the end of the day and stimulants, such as sodas or alcohol. Finally, it is advisable to sleep in a peaceful environment, with subdued light, conducive to rest and relaxation.

Clearly, if you want to be at maximum energy, feel good in your head and body, all you need to do is wake up naturally, without an alarm clock.