Toxic Productivity: How to avoid falling into this trap at work?

Toxic Productivity: How to avoid falling into this trap at work?

No, toxicity not only affects couple or family relationships, but it can also show up at work and in productivity.

While the ability to complete tasks quickly, in a timely manner, and in a qualitative manner is often considered an important and positive skill for an employee or self-employed worker, its overuse can be toxic and take a toll on a person’s physical and mental health. Can affect mental health. , ‘One person. There’s a name for it: toxic productivity.

Symptoms of Toxic Productivity

As reported, the incident resulted in overwork gossipTo the detriment of their personal lives. Unfortunately, toxic productivity is a negative behavior that manifests itself in a number of behaviors:

  • difficulty disconnecting from work
  • Feeling like taking a break is a waste of time
  • feeling tired
  • Feeling overwhelmed and at the end of my rope
  • failing to delegate
  • Seeing imbalance in your personal life

How to deal with toxic productivity?

There are several factors that indicate that toxic productivity has taken hold. So, how can we avoid falling into this unhealthy behavior?

  • Prioritize your tasks

First of all, it is necessary to learn to prioritize your tasks. How ? By establishing a list of tasks from highest priority to least urgent. Organization is the key to healthy productivity. It allows you to free your mind and structure your tasks and your day.

  • take a break

Taking a break can help you clear your mind and return to your work with more clarity. This maximizes productivity. The ideal is to take a five-minute break every two hours or after completing an energy-intensive task.

  • set limits

Work should not interfere with, or even interfere with, your personal life. Therefore, even though it may be complicated at times, it is important to set clear boundaries between personal life and work. This includes turning off your work phone once home and not opening or responding to email outside of work hours. Recharging your batteries at home and truly transitioning between work and personal life allows you to maximize your productivity once you’re in the office.