According to a scientific study, here is the most boring work in the world

According to a scientific study, here is the most boring work in the world

“Boring is a disease that has a remedy”. Exercise was done without passion.

Researchers at the University of Essex at the United Kingdom published a study in the journal Personality and social psychologyTo portray the robot picture of the most boring person. Personality facilities, behavior, hobbies and 500 participants were examined. Experts then noticed that a profession most often refers to the spirit of boredom.

Data Analyst: The most boring job

Data analysts have poor presses. According to the conclusion of the study, this profession is considered the most “boring”. then come Accountant, Tax Insenses or InsuranceLong -term work, repetitive work, a little creativity … at first glance, we grant you, the profession of the data analyst does not sell dreams. But beyond the notion that we have this profession, people who exercise it can actually satisfy it. Then, stereotypes have hard teeth. “Despite this negative perception, the company needs people to work in these trades,” the researchers alerted.

“The truth is that people like bankers and accountants are very capable and have a lot of power in the society-perhaps we should try not to fail them by stereotypes as boring!”, They specify. In contrast, the businesses of journalism, applied science, artistic fields or teaching are considered “exciting”. But there is a possibility of damaging workers from these stereotypes.

Bored at work, a threat to mental health

Born at work, however, not trivial. Navigating the Internet without specific targets, scrolling on social networks to pass time, check your watch every 5 minutes … boredom at work, called boron-out by experts, suffers at work May, thus triggers anxiety and fatigue. But accepting that we are bored at work, forbidden. To say that you do nothing in your time office, is devaluation. So that a British study baptized ” bored to Death “ It was revealed that employees who are bored at work presents three times more risks of cardiovascular accidents than those that are employment stimulating.

So how do you get out? Christian Borian, Author Syndrome Boron, when boredom at work makes you crazy (Albin Michel) recommends withdrawing a step. He explains, “People affected by burn-out lock themselves into a constant work, which locks themselves in boredom with boron-out lock,” they explain. For a person who, apart from resignation, unfortunately not to avoid much. For others, and especially young people, who are sometimes used in “unnecessary” positions at the beginning of their careers, it is possible to learn from this situation. You have to take advantage of this to develop anyway, to investigate what its real professional aspirations are, which you really want to get through your work. This very often allows you to establish a strategy to create things, establish a dialogue with your hierarchy and indicate that we are better than the meaning of meaning. To continue moving forward, it is necessary to refuse themselves to be underlying in professional boredom, to flourish. ,