According to a study, the best physical activity to practice for your mental health

According to a study, the best physical activity to practice for your mental health

Physical exercise has long been recognized as a powerful ally of mental welfare. But not all subjects are the same when it comes to improving mood, reducing anxiety or strengthening cognitive abilities.

According to a study by TF1 information And performed by Harvard University, some activities are particularly distinguished. Among them, swimming is one of the most beneficial sports for the brain. The decryption of the system that makes this game a real natural remedy for the mind.

Swimming, a fountain of youth for brain

The practice of swimming stimulates neurogenesis, which is to say the creation of new neurons, which promotes memory and concentration. Immersion in water and fluid movements allow optimal brain oxidation, thus improves cognitive ability.

In addition, the neurobiologist, according to the matheic, helps to cure the effects of stress on the body. Water has a soothing effect that helps reduce anxiety and stress, while endorphin facilitates the release of these famous hormones of happiness.

Benefits of aerobic exercise on mental health

In addition to swimming, therefore aerobic practice – such as fast walking, running or dance – has a significant impact on emotional balance. These activities increase the production of serotonin and dopamine, which are two major neurotransmitters in mood regulation.

They also promote nerve development and reduce the risk of depression. By urging the cardiovascular system, these exercises improve brain oxidation, thus adapting cognitive functions for a long time.

Tao-chi, a soothing and beneficial discipline for balance

Tai Chi, which is often described as a moving attention, is especially recommended for its comfort effects. This benign practice improves coordination, reduces stress and helps maintain good posture in particular seniors.

Harvard age -underlines its role in prevention of cognitive disorders. By combining breathing, concentration, and fluid movements, the Tai-chi confirms the relationship between the body and the brain, thus offering a real refuge against daily anxiety.

Support for bodybuilding, memory and mental flexibility

Unlike the popular belief, the bodybuilding does not only benefit the muscles. She also plays an important role in maintaining brain functions with age. By stimulating blood circulation and regulating cortisol levels (stress hormones), it helps to preserve memory and mental flexibility.

Research indicates that weight lifting or resistance practice improves the plasticity of the brain, which is necessary for everyday challenges to learn and adapt.