According to this expert, these two requirements can ruin a romantic relationship.

According to this expert, these two requirements can ruin a romantic relationship.

This is not new: Love is a complex spirit and romantic relationships are even more. Between different languages ​​of love which differ according to everyone, managing the needs of partners, emotions … a couple relationship is not clear.

Some behavior can weaken it weakly, or destroy it. Also, as stated Psychology todayThere are two requirements that are “Mortal” According to the doctor Jeffrey Bernstein, for two in life. We tell you more.

Ask your partner to change

This may look clear, however, this type of reflection is always common in relationships. A person’s personality can definitely develop, but as a couple, you should never ask their partner to change. Spoiler: We do not change a person. Never.

Experts say: ,It is one thing to encourage your partner to develop, but it is another to expect from him to change his personality fundamentally.

And if this requirement is considered an error, this is because when you push someone to change your deep nature, it will be rejected and underestimated. Results: It can cause disappointment, leading to a decline in self -sect or self -estimates. Therefore it is appropriate to accept half its qualities and its faults: “Instead of demanding your change, recognize your strength”Assurances the doctor.

Ask your partner to choose between you and his loved ones

If there is one thing that should be avoided in couple relationships, then it is actually an ultimatum. What is worse than Cornelian choice? Experts explain Psychology today , ,Asking for your partner to cut relationships with family members, a close friend is one of the fastest ways to harm the trust., This type of request promotes resentment and may worsen the relationship for a long time. It is better to prepare your doubt by just expressing your talk, speaking to your partner to manage your concerns, speaking peacefully, to prepare your doubt, only by expressing your doubt. Over time, perhaps it will naturally change things.

To create a permanent, healthy and honest relationship, so it is necessary to prioritize communication in the couple, to hear, understand and compromise. No, love is not a long, cool river, but travel can live throughout life with a small work.