Adult depression develops from childhood
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Adult depression
Adult depression develops from childhood, according to a genetic study. Research has found that our genes play a role in determining how much anxiety and depression we carry into adulthood.

More than 64,000 youngsters between the ages of three and 18 were studied by researchers from the University of Queensland and compared to known genetic profiles for anxiety and depression in adults.
A person’s genetics have an important role in determining whether or not they suffer from anxiety or depression as a youngster, as well as whether or not they do so throughout adulthood.
Anxiety and sadness can be inherited, according to lead researcher Christel Middeldorp, whose findings were published in the journal Developmental Psychopathology.
Genes that influence a person’s health were shown to have a strong association.”
Anxiety persists into adulthood in about half of children, and this shows that their innate predisposition to these symptoms may be at least partly responsible.
For example, Professor Middeldorp stated that having one’s DNA predisposed one to mental illness, but it only made them more vulnerable to the effects of external stress.
We don’t think it’s just genetics; there are other elements at play as well. However, this study shows that genetics can be useful.”
“Symptoms [of these disorders] are more likely to appear when you have a hereditary predisposition and then something environmental happens.”
This further strengthens the findings of the study that genetics play a significant role in the development of anxiety and depression in youngsters.
One in seven four to 17-year-olds in Australia has some form of anxiety problem, and one in three has a serious depressive disorder, according to the Australian Institute for Health and Welfare.
Experts say genetics account for 40 percent of a person’s overall chance of developing a mental disorder; 60 percent is influenced by the environment.
Prof. Middeldorp said she believed that the findings would add to our understanding of mental diseases’ genetic roots.
When we learn more about the genetics underpinning anxiety and depression, “we hope that we may develop novel medication treatments for them,” she said, according to the New York Times.
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