Antidepressants ineffective during pregnancy in new Moms

Antidepressants ineffective during pregnancy in new Moms

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Taking antidepressants throughout pregnancy and the first few months after giving birth may not always alleviate symptoms of sadness and anxiety, according to recent research.

Antidepressants ineffective during pregnancy in new Moms
Antidepressants ineffective during pregnancy in new Moms

As lead author, Dr. Katherine Wisner noted, “This is the first longitudinal data to reveal that many pregnant women have depressive and anxious symptoms both throughout pregnancy and after delivery, despite their decision to continue treatment with antidepressants.”

It’s now clear that pregnant and postpartum women need to be constantly evaluated so that their physicians may customize their medication to relieve their problems.

Research participants completed evaluations every four weeks for the duration of their pregnancy, as well as at six and 14 weeks following childbirth as part of the study.

The research indicated that 18% of pregnant women had mild, 50% had moderate, and 32% had clinically significant symptoms of depression.

Pregnant and postpartum women who used antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) had lasting depression.

According to data published March 4 in the journal Psychiatric Research and Clinical Practice, some women who received treatment for anxiety had their symptoms deteriorate over time.

Co-author Dr. Catherine Stika, a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern, observed that “psychological and psychosocial aspects change fast throughout childbearing.” If your symptoms don’t improve after a few visits, your doctor may adjust the kind and/or degree of treatment.

The study also discovered that women who suffer from depression have a negative impact on their children.

Children who are exposed to a depressive mother are more likely to suffer from childhood developmental issues, Wisner added.

Additionally, the research revealed that pregnant women who used antidepressants were more likely to suffer from obesity, infertility, headaches, thyroid abnormalities, and asthma. Depression was more likely to occur in those with a history of eating disorders.

Twenty percent of pregnant and postpartum women suffer from depression and anxiety. Approximately 500,000 women in the United States are expected to suffer from a mental disorder while pregnant, according to the study.

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