Are you empathetic, hypersensitive? What if you were a lightworker?
Not everyone advances, joyful and valiant, with their hearts as flags. Some are out of step, experience discouragement, and also suffer from their extreme sensitivity. What do they have in common? They feel connected to something greater than themselves, God, the universe, life, the source, whatever name we give it, and consider that their time on Earth, whatever the duration, has aimed at enabling them to breathe more awareness and love into their lives and those of others. Without proselytism or dogmatism.
Perhaps you felt something stir within you as you read these lines. Perhaps you will have confirmation that you are a lightworker if you recognize yourself in the following instructions.
You feel out of step with the world as it is and attacked by it
The exploitation of humans, animals, the Earth… Not only do you feel a visceral opposition to all of this on a moral and ethical level, but you feel deep within yourself that these behaviors are destructive for everyone, including for their promoters or their temporary beneficiaries.
You also find yourself out of step in the world of work when it promotes individualism, competition, and power struggles. You feel deep pain every time you see men confronting each other, competing with each other, crushing each other, manipulating to arrive first or to simply exist.
You are hypersensitive and hyperempathetic
A nothing amazes you or warms your heart, a nothing touches you or hurts you. The thermostat of your sensitivity and empathy seems to have been set to maximum from the moment you were born. The boundary between you and what surrounds you could not be more tenuous. You feel the trees breathing, you capture the emotions of the animals, you guess the wounds and needs of others, you feel their moods, their feelings.
Your sensory and sensory sensors are always alert. This emotional intensity does not always make your life easy, but for nothing in the world you would trade your hypersensitivity for an average sensitivity which would give you, you tell yourself, the impression of moving away from the beating heart of the world.
You are engaged in personal transformation work
A spiritual path, a practice that unites body and mind, an existential therapy… In all cases, you have made Gandhi’s famous quote your own: “Be the change you want to see in the world. »
Whether it is resolving personal difficulties or accessing the spiritual dimension of your being, you are convinced that it is by working on yourself that you can give yourself every chance of realizing yourself, not to become one’s “ideal self”, but to be able to spread one’s wings and accomplish what one feels is good and right for oneself. And, consequently, for others.
You have a deep desire to help and/or care for others
Spontaneously, you offer your help, your time, your listening, as well as all the means at your disposal, to support or comfort those close to you, those less close to you and even, often, complete strangers. We are not surprised that, among the sixteen personality types defined in the MBTI1 test, the “healer” or INFP type (for introversion, intuition, feeling, perception) brings together the greatest number of lightworkers. You are also one of those who are approached spontaneously, because we know that your door will always be open. A mediator at heart, you like to ease tensions and resolve conflicts for the sake of harmony and desire for justice. You like to encourage, compliment, restore confidence and express your gratitude, because you hold high – sometimes too much – the standard of the ideal human relationship.
1. Developed in 1962 by Isabel Briggs Meyer and Katherine Cook Briggs, the Myers Briggs Type Indicator is a psychological assessment questionnaire aimed at determining a psychological profile.
You feel like you have a mission to accomplish
Whether this “life mission” is professional, whether it is a vocation, volunteering or simply your daily way of being, you feel carried, inspired, guided towards a goal which, at the end of the day, always aims to live better together.
Whether it is about healing, helping, protecting, enlightening consciences, bringing more justice or beauty, or even adopting behavior that is truly in line with your values.
You have a very strong connection with nature
Your connection to nature is emotional, organic, passionate. It dates back most of the time to childhood, a period during which many lightworkers have experienced experiences of transcendence, connection and fusion with nature. This is essential for you to cleanse yourself psychologically, to escape the “compressed” temporality of the city, but also to (re)live experiences of communion and transcendence.
You fully adhere to the “Gaia hypothesis”, developed by the English ecologist James Lovelock, which considers that the Earth is a living being, a “super-organism” which self-regulates to maintain life. This is why you cannot stand the attacks that men subject her to.
1. Author of The Earth is a living being, the Gaia hypothesis (Flammarion).
You feel connected to something bigger than yourself
Your inner life is very rich (introspection, artistic creativity, meditation, prayer, contemplation, daydreams, etc.). Some of you practice a religion, others have chosen mystery, questioning, still others borrow thoughts, rites and rituals from different spiritual traditions.
Whatever form your spiritual life takes, you have felt connected, since your childhood, to something greater than yourself, to the divine dimension (in the broad sense) of existence.