Belief about Intelligence as an Incremental Quality Questionnaire Urdu
The Belief about Intelligence as an Incremental Quality (BIIQ) questionnaire is a self-report measure designed to evaluate individual’s beliefs about intelligence, specifically whether intelligence is considered a fixed, static, and unchangeable trait or something that can be developed through effort and learning. It comprises 6 items that are rated on a five-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).

To assess the reliability of the BIIQ questionnaire, different statistical methods have been used such as internal consistency estimates using Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient, test-retest reliability, and split-half reliability. These tests demonstrate that the BIIQ is a reliable tool for assessing individual’s beliefs about intelligence, with Cronbach’s Alpha ranging from .70 to .90 in different cultural contexts, which indicates acceptable to good internal consistency. The test-retest reliability of the BIIQ is also very high with a correlation coefficient of .85, meaning that individuals tend to have similar responses when the questionnaire is administered to them twice in a row. Furthermore, a split-half reliability method was also used to support the reliability of the BIIQ score, which resulted in a Spearman-Brown formula of .80.
Moreover, the construct validity of the BIIQ has also been established by numerous researchers. Studies have found that the BIIQ is positively correlated with academic achievement, the incremental view of intelligence, growth mindset, motivation, and educational aspirations. Conversely, it is negatively associated with the belief that intelligence is fixed and predetermined. These findings reinforce that this measure effectively captures the different belief systems that individuals hold about intelligence, which are relevant to the educational arena in various academic disciplines.
In conclusion, the BIIQ is a valid and reliable tool to measure individuals’ beliefs about intelligence. The evidence suggests that BIIQ scores can be used to evaluate educational interventions that aim to promote the growth mindset and to encourage students to believe that their intelligence can be developed through effort and learning. Additionally, BIIQ scores can be used to evaluate teachers’ beliefs about intelligence and to determine how these beliefs may influence their teaching methods.
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