Cold Reading: This psychological technique tells you what other really think of you

Cold Reading: This psychological technique tells you what other really think of you

Yes, there is a way to be able to decod the ideas and feelings of others. Everything is based on the mastery of certain techniques for the purpose of maximum observation and allows non -oral language to decode: facial expression or body language. With these techniques, it is really possible to decod someone’s deep feelings and ideas.

However, it is not black magic or mysterious telepathy, but is a method based on the basics of psychology. If reading in thoughts seems an elusive dream, it is well accessible. Just what the basics of psychology, non -verable communication and especially professionals are called “cold reading”cold reading. Find out major stages to mastered this subtle art, in which decoding true ideas of our negotiators is to learn.

Body Language: Real State of Mind Reflection

One of the key to learning to read in one’s thoughts is to pay attention to the gestures and the expression of the body. This can be a developed posture like arms crossing that will reveal a stressful person on a defensive, but also to indicate your body orient the way to orient is open or open to exchange.

Experts of non -creation communication are also very attentive to the synchronization of gestures and words: when we observe a certain difference between words and gestures, one can assume that one can assume that the other can assume that the other. The body is expressed and gives each dialogue a new key to understand the state of the other’s mind and when you enter the era of non -verable communication the analysis is exciting: Your negotiator is repeatedly scratching, takes one leg in a rhythmic manner, yavan? This can be embarrassed by your exchange.

Sometimes it is difficult to have ourselves in social relationships and we often apply on vocal expressions what is expected from the other, so there is a whole new language to learn, non-verbal, and it opens doors to other methods of communication by learning.

Read facial micro-exposes

This art of understanding the ideas of another is therefore associated with the possibility of signs that it would be a question of knowing how to identify his feelings and ideas, how to identify in his dialogue. The first step is to learn to decod the subtle people of the face that allow you to discover the feelings that the second can try to hide. This happens quite regularly, in social dialogues, that ideas reflect what the person has expressed loudly and some signs make it possible to identify this incompatibility: fleeting form, stressful smiles, spreading eyebrows … There are many facial expressions that translate a certain discomfort and hidden feelings, fear or less self -realization.

The subtle expression of the face is usually bursting: they cross the face to disappear quickly in favor of the social mask that we really think we put to hide. Their detection is knowing how to decode the authenticity in the other, and it is also capable of pursuing the discussion differently.When you try to find a memory, you look at the right, Victor Vincent in the media describes Mentalist Health magazine, If we try to imagine something, we will see the top left ”, He adds. It is one of the techniques of neurologist programming, NLP.

Set an active hearing

To know how to decode the silent ideas of another, you should also know how to refer to the conversation by asking the correct question and being completely dedicated to the other. Give your negotiator open questions that invite dense answers, encourage the other to become more indulged and pursue its answers. By offering active and complete listening, we often get a lot of information from another that then makes it possible to create an authentic link and customize our attitude to the person’s emotional needs.

So there are many ways to read in thoughts and know your negotiator better. This is a real key to unloading the relationship towards a tight and solid link!