Discharge Readiness Scale/Short Form – Turkish version


The process of transitioning from hospital care to home is a critical period for patients. The readiness for hospital discharge is a key determinant of post-discharge outcomes such as readmission rates, recovery times, and overall health status. To assess this readiness, various scales have been developed, with the Turkish version of the Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale/Short Form being one of them. This article discusses the adaptation, validity, and reliability of this scale, which is particularly relevant for healthcare professionals involved in discharge planning and patient education.

Scale Type and Source

Scale Type: Adaptation

Source Type: Article

Reference: Kaya, S., Güven, S.G., Teleş, M., Korku, C., Aydan, S., Kar, A., Kartal, N., Koca, G.S., & Yıldız, A. (2018). Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale/Short Form, Journal of Nursing Management26(3), 295-301.

Development and Authors

Developers/Adapters: Ahmet Kar, Ahmet Yildiz, Cahit Horror, Gulay Sain Guven, Mesut Teleş, Nazan Kartal, Seda Aydan, Sıdıka Kaya

Publication Details

Year: 2018

Source Name: Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale/Short Form

Journal: Journal of Nursing Management

Volume: 26

Issue: 3

Page Range: 295-301

DOI: 10.1111/jonm.12547

Contact Information

Responsible Author: Sıdıka Kaya

Email: [email protected]

Measured Characteristics and Sub-dimensions

Measured Characteristics: Readiness for Discharge

Sub-dimensions: Expected Support from Patient, Coping Ability of the Patient, Patient’s Knowledge, Patient’s Personal Condition

Applicability and Validity

Applicable to: Patients

Validity: Confirmatory factor analysis revealed good fit indices (χ2 / df = 2.6; RMSEA = .03; CFI = 1; GFI and AGFI = .99).


Reliability: The overall Cronbach’s alpha value for the scale was found to be 0.74, indicating acceptable reliability.

Research Utilization

Research Studies Used: scholar.google.com.tr

Reference: Kaya, S., Güven, S.G., Teleş, M., Korku, C., Aydan, S., Kar, A., Kartal, N., Koca, G.S., & Yıldız, A. (2018). Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale/Short Form, Journal of Nursing Management26 (3), 295-301. Two: 10.1111/Jonm.12547