Do you suffer from this syndrome that causes emotional exhaustion?

Do you suffer from this syndrome that causes emotional exhaustion?

Helping your partner in difficult times is a proof of love. But when this support becomes an essential requirement to “repair” the other, we enter an unbalanced and tedious dynamic.

This behavior, called Savior Complex, can cause invisible but deep stress in one relationship, which supports this role and by making dependent on the other.

Family roots syndrome

The Savior Complex reveals itself in the constant need to maintain its partner, often renounces his own needs and defines psychological mark travelers into columns PsychologyThe plan can return to childhood, especially in families where emotional boundaries were blurred. “Parentified” children, who had to receive adult responsibilities, assimilated their value to their ability to take care of others. Growing up, this habit fits their romantic relationships, ignoring their boundaries.

In a couple, it generates dynamic dependence: the savior completely dedicates himself to the needs of the other, at the point of exhaustion, while his partner becomes more and more dependent. This imbalance gives fuel to a cycle where the savior looks for weak partners for “saving”, which further strengthens its emotional exhaustion.

Supply aid

The need to intervene can quickly be aggressive. Saviers feel forced to solve problems even when their help is not sought. This can give his partner a feeling of being an infant, which reduces his autonomy and self -defense. In meditation it causes disguised control stress and despair.

Contrary to, the more the savior multiply his efforts, the more he can feel the growing distance with his partner. The latter, overwhelmed to this dynamic, can be closed, create a disconnect cycle where everyone is trapped in the relationship.