Does your crush bother you? here’s why!
We understand you: when we like someone, our heart starts beating faster, sweat becomes cold, shyness becomes evident, cheeks turn red… and rest assured, the person we like This kind of behavior in front of someone you like is completely normal.
The reason? When you find someone attractive, you may feel nervous. And this results in physical reactions: “It’s the body’s way of releasing stress and adapting to emotional intensity.”Linda Whiteside, a therapist at Newview Treatment Center in Los Angeles, explains.
Why do we feel nervous around a crush?
The problem is that this worry can make stress even worse: “If we pay attention to our nervousness, we may worry about the image of the person we are attracted to. We wonder if they notice what we are doing and we fear this. We can skip conversations that our nervous habits will distract us from.” Interview conducted by Aaron Gilbert, Founder of Boston Evening Therapy Associates verywellmindBut then, what are the exact symptoms of nervousness in an attraction situation?
Anxiety is characterized by several physical and behavioral symptoms. In the first category, it can manifest itself as: restlessness, touching your face or arm, sweating or blushing. As far as behavioral signals go, it is possible to: stammer, laugh nervously, avoid eye contact, etc.
How to deal with your anxiety?
However, even though this nervousness may be scary, it is important to accept it: it is part of the normal process of attraction and one’s personality. Their standardization allows you to gain confidence. Moreover, it is also possible to be honest by sharing your feelings with your crush. How ? For example, by saying: “I’m nervous” or even “If you see me doing something with my hair, it’s normal, I get nervous…”A great way to break the ice.
You see, to manage this nervousness you just have to accept it! And do not forget that every person on this earth has found himself in this situation at least once in his life. This is reassuring!