Family attitude Scale

Family attitude Scale

The Family Attitude Scale (FAS) is a psychometric tool used to measure the attitudes of family members towards stroke patients and their caregiving duties. The scale consists of 20 items that assess different dimensions of attitudes towards caregiving, such as the perception of the patient’s behavior, the perceived time burden of caregiving, and the perceived satisfaction of providing care. The scale has demonstrated good reliability and validity in previous studies.

Family attitude Scale
Family attitude Scale

The validity of the FAS was established through a content validity analysis and a confirmatory factor analysis. The content validity analysis was conducted by a panel of experts in stroke rehabilitation and caregiving research, who reviewed the scale items and provided feedback on their relevance and appropriateness. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis indicated a good fit between the expected and actual factor structures of the scale, with a high degree of factor loading on each item.

The reliability of the FAS was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and test-retest reliability. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the scale was .86, which indicates a high level of internal consistency and reliability. Test-retest reliability was established by re-administering the scale to the same group of participants two weeks after the initial administration. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was .93, indicating that the scale has good test-retest reliability.

In addition to reliability and validity, the scale’s sensitivity to change was also assessed through a longitudinal study that measured the attitudes of family members towards stroke patients at three different time points: at the start of caregiving, six weeks later, and three months later. The results of this study showed that the FAS is sensitive to changes in family attitudes towards caregiving over time, which is important for measuring the effectiveness of caregiver interventions.

In conclusion, the Family Attitude Scale is a reliable and valid tool for measuring family attitudes towards caregiving for stroke patients. Its good psychometric properties make it an appropriate tool for use in both clinical and research settings related to stroke rehabilitation and caregiving.

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