Help people to struggle with depression

Help people to struggle with depression

Here in this post, we are providing the “Help people to struggle with depression “. You can discuss more your concerns about mental health in our community, and we will provide you with tips and solutions in a short time. Keep visiting Mental Health.

Are you depressed?

2020 has been a challenging year. Many are feeling lonely and depressed. Depression will feel more severe and difficult to bear than it does during the holidays. You know how difficult and hopeless this can be if you’ve ever suffered from depression.

This blog is dedicated to helping you overcome depression.

Help people to struggle with depression
Help people to struggle with depression

Automatic negative thoughts

Let’s start by saying that you can do one thing: Get rid of the ANTS from your head. ANTS stands for automatic negative thoughts. There are many automatic negative thoughts that we all have to deal with from time to time. However, if you suffer from depression, you may experience a lot of negative thoughts taking up residence inside your brain. Negative thoughts such as “I don’t belong”, “I am not very smart”, “no one cares for me”, and other negative thoughts can create an internal loop in your brain that continues to repeat itself. Try identifying any negative thoughts in your brain.

How do you stop negative thoughts? 

How do you stop negative thoughts? How can we eliminate the ANTS? It doesn’t work well to try to avoid negative thoughts. It’s almost like someone telling you to stop thinking about a purple elephant. You can’t help but think of purple elephants. Instead, recognize the signs of negative thoughts and tell your brain to stop. You can focus on something that you believe is true and positive and it will overshadow the negativity. Focus as much as you can on positive thoughts and keep them there. Essentially, you can eliminate the ANTS simply by replacing them.

Life truths

Let me help you with some of your replacement thoughts. These are the four life truths I believe are vital to living a balanced and truthful life. These truths are your challenge. Side note: These truths can be applied to all human beings. When a person asks God for forgiveness and allows Him to control their lives, the second two truths become real. I hope these truths will penetrate your soul, mind, heart, and soul. These are the truths:

1) God loves you. He values you. He loves you, and He is there for you.

2) Your purpose in life is clear. God uniquely designed and gave you the ability to make a difference in the world. Your life matters.

3) You can breathe. God is in control. If you surrender your troubles to God, you can handle them.

4) You will be forgiven. If you trust Him with your life and ask Him to forgive all of your failures and sins, He will. Each day is a new beginning.

These four truths I believe are true about you, personally and individually. Let me take a minute to read these again slowly. These are the core truths of your life. These truths will become your core beliefs and you will begin to live them. I recommend you personalize them every day as you read them. You might say, for example, “I am loved and accepted by God”, “My life has a purpose,” “I can breath,” “I am forgiven,” or “I entrust your life to me.”

Do not allow the ANTS to take over your life. Take control of your negative thoughts and replace them with these life-giving truths God has for you. Remember that The Renewing Life Center staff is always available to assist you in this endeavor.


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