Here is the city where we groan the most in France (and it is not Paris)

Here is the city where we groan the most in France (and it is not Paris)

The idea that the French spend their time complaining, they are well vested in popular stereotypes. However, a recent study conducted by the stage EmbraceSpecial in learning language, it reveals a more fine reality for us.

According to this investigation, if some city is at the top of the ranking, Paris, often attached to this image of a city where we groan, do not even hold the first place. So where are most of them French? Answer with amazing results of this study.

Leone: Ramping capital in France

Lyon, the third most populous city in the country, is distinguished by its 81.7/100 score, which makes it a city where we complain the most. Residents of Gone city are particularly sensitive to small daily annoyance. Whether noise neighbors or flight delays, Leonis and Leonisis expressed an increase in frustration.

The reasons behind these complaints are different, but some situations often come back: queues, delay in meetings or control errors in restaurants. This trend of complaint may be associated with a sense of despair in front of satisfied expectations in everyday life.

Paris: A city of groan, but not in mind

Although Paris is a symbol city of “rail culture”, it ranks second in the ranking with a score of 80/100. Parisians often complain about hard living conditions, congested public transport, high prices or pollution.

Unlike Leone, Paris lies in a more institutional aspect of complaint, which is more related to collective frustrations (especially urban and political problems) rather than individual annoyance of daily life. However, this feature does not prevent Paris from maintaining a well -prestige.

Good: third actor of podium

Good with a score of 79/100, completes podiums of cities where we groan the most. When it comes to listening to their dissatisfaction, Niko does not have to move forward. Although the city is often associated with a pleasant life, frustrations associated with the quality of traffic, prices or public services consciousness daily conversations.

Residents of NICE often express their dissatisfaction in relation to events or conditions affecting the quality of life, while also concerned with subjects such as the safety and hygiene of the city.

Grenobal: a striking contrast

In contrast, Grenobal is distinguished as the most patient city in France, with a score of 24.3/100. Granoblois seems to be very willing to complain compared to its Leonis or Paris counterparts. This difference can be linked to a local mentality, which can be more oriented towards the discovery of solutions rather than focusing on problems.

However, even though the residents are less than the complaint, some concerns, especially in relation to security, remain in relation to the cost of living or hygiene. Residents of Grenobal seem to be much more inclined to contact these subjects in a constructive way.