Here is the real effect of sleeping with your partner according to a study

Here is the real effect of sleeping with your partner according to a study

Do you share your bed with your partner? If so, be aware that this routine may have unexpected effects on the quality of your sleep.

A study explored the physical and emotional impacts of co-sleeping, revealing how much this practice shapes our nights. So, sleeping together: beneficial or disturbing?

Synchronization of sleep cycles

In Western cultures, sharing a bed with a partner has become the norm for many couples. According to a survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation80 to 89% of adults in a relationship sleep together. This nocturnal proximity, often associated with better intimacy, has notable repercussions on sleep.

For example, sleeping with your partner can extend sleep duration and reinforce the feeling of rest when you wake up. One study even points out that partners’ sleep cycles tend to synchronize, fostering a physical and emotional connection.

Regulate stress and strengthen bonds

However, not everything is idyllic. Women in heterosexual relationships often report impaired sleep quality due to their male partner’s movements or snoring. Additionally, sharing a bed can reduce deep sleep stages, although sleepers report feeling better rested when they don’t sleep alone.

Finally, the benefits of co-sleeping are not limited to sleep. This practice is part of a social and evolutionary logic. Researchers speculate that, like other forms of human contact, sleeping together could help regulate stress hormones and strengthen emotional bonds.