Here is the specific profile of a person who lacks emotional maturity
No relationship is free from disturbance. Even the most honest love stories are stopped from challenges and inquiries. Two people associated with each other can undergo a period of doubt, misunderstanding or conflict. However, the key to overcome these obstacles lies in emotional maturity and ability to question itself. Ideally, a couple are aware of themselves in a couple and are able to manage their feelings with discretion. In this case, difficulties become an opportunity to grow simultaneously. On the other hand, when one of the two (or both) lack emotional maturity, stress accumulates. The duration of the crisis then becomes a real test, sometimes unsafe.
If emotional immaturity can affect all types of relationships, it is particularly trying in terms of couple, where intimacy and emotional partnership is stronger. But then, how to recognize the person who struggles to manage his feelings in a balanced way? Some behavior, especially identified by the media Hack spiritAre disclosed and may be real cautious signs. If you are wondering how to identify these signs, then the “standard profile” is a person who is likely to be worried about the lack of emotional maturity.
The person remains closed
It is natural for the need of loneliness and moments of silence, but when your partner is systematically converted into silence, it can be misleading. An emotionally immature person will shut himself down on a little struggle or discomfort, making any effort difficult. If, by asking a question, you have the impression of walking on the egg – because your curiosity is considered as an intrusion, but your silence is as indifferent – you are cope with a disappointing dynamic. Psychologist Lisa explains firecuts This “emotional avoidance is often a defense mechanism against past injuries”. But in the long term, this continuous return can damage the balance of the relationship and create an inaccessible distance.
She bites you
Listening is one of the pillars of a healthy relationship. However, if your partner constantly disrupts you or never misses what you say, it can reveal the lack of interest or the difficulty in focusing on the other. It is not necessary that there is a deliberate lack of respect, but lack of self -immolation. As a marshal Rosenburg, producer Non -related communication“In fact, to offer an appearance without a decision to listen”. An open discussion on this habit can be the first step to help your partner understand the importance of balanced communication.
He is constantly on defensive
Critics – when they are creative – are part of any relationship and allow you to grow together. But if your partner systematically turns into a slight reprimand, it can be a sign of emotional fragility. An immature person often considers the comment as individual attacks and reacts with aggression or rejection. Or according to Doctor john gotmanThe defensive is one of the four mounteds of the “relative apocalypse”, often leading to doubles failure. A philanthropist and reassured dialogue is necessary to define these reactions and encourage better management of emotions.
It is very sensitive to criticism … and everything
Some people live every disagreement as a tragedy. If your partner pretends a little problem and reacts unequately to criticism, it is likely that it lacks emotional maturation. This type of behavior can quickly be tired for another. He then finds himself walking on the egg to avoid being injured. The researcher of Brain Brown recalled on his site, “emotional flexibility does not mean being insensitive, but knowing how to manage his feelings without imposing it on others”. A good emotional balance involves accepting annoyance without turning them into existence crises.
You can find it “sticky”
A relationship requires affection and meditation. However, when they turn into a constant form, they need to be assured, it can be oppressive. An immature partner can develop emotional dependence, demand frequent verification and re -reinforcement. As Rachel Paes states, specialist in romantic relationships, “an emotionally immature person is highly required for external approval”. If you feel suffocated, it is important to have healthy boundaries to preserve the balance of your personal place and couple.
She rebukes you regularly
Relations are made up of agreement, but when reprimand becomes a habit, it often refuses to take responsibility. A emotionally immature person projects his frustrations on another rather than facing his own insecurity. This diagram can be particularly heavy, as it creates a permanent stress climate. Esther Perell, psychiatrist, underlines that “defects are often a strategy to avoid introspection”. Encouraging communication instead of criticism -can help restore healthy mobility.
He is angry
If it is human to keep some wounds in memory, hanging on it can be toxic indefinitely. A partner who constantly resumes similar complaints and refuses to turn on the page maintains a negative atmosphere within the relationship. Resentment prevents any progress and feeds conflicts instead of resolving them. According to the Harriot Learner, psychological relationships specialize, “Knowing how to forgive, does not mean forgetting, but not choosing the past to determine the future”. An honest discussion on mutual expectations and resentment can help break this cycle of resentment.
She is jealous
A sign of jealousy may exist, but when it turns into excessive authority, it becomes a real poison for the relationship. An immature partner would suspect without any reason, monitor his tasks and interpret each interaction as a danger. The author of the book “The 5 Language of Love”, Gary Chapman, recalls that “confidence is the couple’s oxygen”. If your partner is invaded with insecurity, it is necessary that he is working on his fear rather than applying permanent doubts.
It is generally inconsistent
One day all the flame, the next day completely away. If your partner continuously oscillate between enthusiasm and troops, there is a good chance that it lacks emotional stability. This instability can be disruptive and can cause insecurity in the relationship. It is not necessarily a special disorder, but difficulty in managing your feelings in a consistent way. Learning your feelings orally and identifying your emotional trigger can help reduce these mood.
He feels to transfer emotional on you
Stress outside the relationship should not systematically affect the mobility of the couple. However, an immature person often puts his partner’s feelings that do not intend to him. This can result in an unrealistic expectation of sudden aggression or constant rest after a bad day. Sigmund Freud proved the concept of transfer. On this subject, he said that “we repeat our emotional patterns on people around us”. By identifying these mechanisms (creating) helps to carry an emotional weight that is not for us.
She may be impressed
Self -consent is a proof of emotional maturity. A partner ImpulsiveIt may be difficult to follow the least annoyance that reacts to the least annoyance or which brutally changes the attitude depending on his mood. This deficiency of emotional regulation can cause unnecessary conflict and make the relationship unstable. Taking one step back and reacting before reacting is an essential ability for a complete relationship.
She makes you emotional blackmail
Emotional blackmail is a often unconscious strategy, but which can be very manipulated. It can take the form of sulks for a long time. Or even the threat of veil or even suddenly the return of affection to get what you want. As the author of “Blackmail Emotional”, “is based on” emotional blackmail fear, obligation and guilt “, as Susan forwards. If you feel under constant pressure to avoid conflict or meet your partner’s expectations, it is important to determine the clear limit.
She takes advantage of you and others
Lack of participation in the relationship may be a sign of imbalance. If your partner rests systematically on you, whether it is economically, emotionally or in everyday tasks, it can reveal a form of immaturity. A healthy relationship is based on mutual commitment and not on unilateral dependence.
You feel in a state of co -behavior with him
CodePandens are characterized by a relationship where a partner is consistently taking care of the other at the cost of his needs. This makes an unbalanced dynamic where it becomes necessary for each other, but at the cost of its good. If you feel this pressure, it may be useful to detect this dynamic with a professional to find a healthy balance.