Here is the zodiac from which money no longer gives any pleasure
Dip a cocktail and put it sweet by the pool, ever shop without looking at the price, an ambitious project requires an adequate investment … which has never left these dreams? We have an ideal life vision, but a major obstacle often stands on our way: money. It can be a barrier to both personal achievement, but may also be a powerful lever of happiness.
“Money is like the sixth meaning. Without him, no one can use the other five, “the author William Samarset Mougham said. As long as he controls the cogs. But that money is an integral part of our life or not, there will be a zodiac from which he According to a study published in the review, no happiness Nature stability, We decryp.
A “comfortable” lifestyle but not “extraordinary”
Psychiatrist Dr. in the Department of Psychology of Bath University in the United Kingdom. Paul Bain’s research team discovered psychological issues of money in many countries. Their research work suggests that if some people look at funds to finance social reasons, the majority envisages this above all as a personal achievement lever. The observation is quite fine: having a more important fortune usually causes correlation with a growing sense of happiness, but to a certain point. Previous research quoted by British researchers has also highlighted a limit on which money will no longer provide additional satisfaction. In the United States, this range is evaluated Annual income of $ 105,000 per house, or 101,201 Euro.
Being adequate resources to cover its basic needs, ie ensure a certain financial security, feeds, undoubtedly promotes welfare. In contrast, financial difficulties logically causes stress and anxiety. But a surprising fact is indicated by study: people belonging to a “middle class” and who want more money to reach their greatest aspirations, a more “comfortable” but not “extraordinary”, not “not” extraordinary “, Eliminates studies.
Profiles of those who want unlimited money
The study highlights an interesting event: although individuals with unlimited desires are present, they live in minorities. These profiles are more often youth, residents of the city and are associated with the values ​​of success, strength and freedom. In addition, the aspiration of immense wealth is more often in societies where inequalities are accepted and among those where the community takes prejudice on the person.
Other teachings that can be prepared from studies lie under the influence of cultural norms on the world of consumption. “The ideology of unlimited desires, when presented as an internal feature of human beings, enhances the social pressure encouraging to consume beyond real needs”, the lead author of research, Dr. Paul underlines the ban. The fact is that “ideal life” is economically obtainable without the need to get financially, which can help people to free themselves from consumer prohibitory orders and to preserve the environment in detail, in detail .
Ecological effect that awakens the discretion
If this awareness is expected for the planet, it also questions the discrepancy between the consumption models and economic policies of citizens. The co-writer of the study, Dr. Renta Bongorno says, “The results cruelly recall that the majority opinion is not necessarily reflected in political decisions, which promotes the accumulation of money by a minority.” And to continue: “If most people try to get a limited money, then policies that support the most limited desires of the people, such as taxes to finance permanent development initiative, are more popular. Can not describe it often “.
And you, where do you see the ideal of your life? Enough money to live serious or unlimited money to fulfill your wild dreams? To find out, Questions your relationship for money The dominic mazine through our personality test was performed with the complexity of the psychologist.