Here’s How Much Money You Need to Make to Be Happy, According to Researchers
No society, even the most communist, can be imagined without an economy. Our relationship with money has always been a psychological indicator that has been studied from Freudian psychoanalytic theories to the work of contemporary scientists, whether through its symbolic aspect or through its concrete function, money influences our entire life. , but in our modern societies ruled by money and power. Living your dreams may be expensive, according to a study published in the journal. nature sustainability Tried to measure the amount that can make us happy.
Shows that we would not be so determined to see billions of euros arrive in our bank accounts. It appears that humans are less hideous than their reputation suggests. To live his ideal life, he would need a very specific amount of money, far from the ten-figure sum given in the lottery, which contradicts the economic belief that we are always dissatisfied.
Less than 25,000 euros per year without working!
Imagine a fortune falling into your lap. You may still be thirsty for money or, conversely, be satisfied with the amount received, or use only part of it. If you had to choose how much money to win in the lottery, what would it be? Because satisfying your desires really does have a cost. But which one? To study the relationship of Homo economicus (the theoretical representation of individuals analyzed by economists) with money, researchers at the University of Bath asked the following question: “Who wants to be a billionaire? “. While one would think that social consumerism would lead individuals to demand unlimited resources, scientists have questioned this assumption. To reach this conclusion, Dr. Paul Bain’s team from the Department of Psychology conducted research on more than 33 Interviewed about 8,000 people in countries, including those less used in cross-cultural psychology such as Vietnam, Tunisia, Uganda, and Nicaragua.
To estimate the average amount of money needed to achieve one’s dreams and live an “absolutely ideal life”, researchers asked participants to choose the amount they wanted to win in a lottery, Between $10,000 (9,870 euros) and $100 billion (98.8 billion euros)Their reactions were surprising to say the least. Most respondents rejected the largest amount offered to them. In 86% of countries, most people thought they could achieve their goals with US$10 million or less, or 98.6 million euros, and in some countries with as little as $10 million, or 986.985 eurosIf the amount chosen remains too high, most of those who asked the question refused unlimited money, which is indicative of our consumption patterns. However, for For a 38-year-old man with a life expectancy of 78 years, earning $1 million is equivalent to only $25,000 per yearOr the equivalent of 24,600 euros, notes the study.
Symbol of money, power and complete happiness
And you, What is your real relationship with money? “Money has a very powerful symbolism,” believes psychoanalyst and author Marie-Claude François-Laugier. How to settle accounts with moneyFor many people, it is synonymous with strength, power, complete bliss.
Money also allows some people to exercise power over others in a couple, in a family or within a company. If it is synonymous with paramount protection, security and comfort, then money is a source of happiness for human beings. But a pleasure “that can sometimes take on unhealthy dimensions”, warns Marie-Claude François-Lausier.
- Nature Sustainability Review , Evidence from 33 countries challenges the notion of unlimited needs »June 2022.
- Press release university oh bath : « Who wants to be a billionaire? Most don’t – which is good news for the planet.
- Interview Marie-Claude François-Laugier, psychoanalyst and author How to settle accounts with money (peyote).