How long, you can leave your cat as alone as possible, without danger

How long, you can leave your cat as alone as possible, without danger

When we own a pet, our daily life is upset. His goodness, his education and his health is becoming our priority. However, sometimes we allow ourselves a comfortable weekend, far from home or abroad for a few days, so how to do when you have a little cat? Can we leave him alone at home?

As Christine malainfentCanine and behavior teacher reminds us: “A cat is more connected to its environment than its human. As a result, it is better that he stays with him, until he was accustomed to go to one or others from an early age.

Rules seen in absence condition

According to the professional, some rules are to be seen based on the period of its travel.

  • for a few hours:

For a few hours, the behavior advises to check that his garbage is clean, to serve him food. In this view, we can keep food in business games like opt for an automatic Kibble Dispenser to guarantee a cylinder, a maze, a maze, a maze, a maze, a maze “We can offer him a water fountain so that he always has fresh water and leave it to the toys such as balls and wings or a scratch so that he can leave the steam”Christine advises Malenfent.

  • For more than 24 hours:

Do you have two or three days away? In this specific case, this is not the same thing: “You have to spend a Cat Citter, a friend or a neighbor, at least a person who will stay with him or spend twice a day to give him food, put him in the company and will ensure that everything is fine”Emphasizes the behaviorist.

What is the maximum duration, during which one can be alone?

Note that the maximum period in which a cat can live alone depends on many factors such as its age, nature, health and environment: “For a healthy adult cat, you can count 24 to 48 hours, provided it has enough food, fresh water and a rich environment. Conversely, for kittens, for kittens, it is not necessary to be more than 4 to 6 hours away, because it requires attention, frequent food and monitoring”Specifies the specialist. Finally, for an elderly or sick cat, it is better to avoid leaving it alone for a very long time.

Apparently, if you plan to be absent for more than 24 hours, it is strongly advised to call someone to ensure the monitoring of your animal. To better manage your absence, it will be necessary to ensure the quality of your cat environment and take care of all its needs.