How to choose your shrinkage? 5 questions to ask to find the correct doctor

How to choose your shrinkage? 5 questions to ask to find the correct doctor

It is certain, you will see a shrinking! Yes, but which one? How to find the shrink for which you are looking for? How to make sure that one is not to come in a charlton?

We asked our readers the question that in this field, who is the experience of sharing. With the comments of psychiatrist Silvi Angel, author How to choose your shrinkage,

Where to shrink your own?

“To shrink my first, I opened the yellow pages,” Nicole is called. Psychological, psychiatrist, psychological: as I did not know their uniqueness, I did by elimination. A psychoanalyzer? I did not want to take it for ten years. A psychiatrist? I was not crazy, I just wanted to understand what happened to me. I chose a psychologist. I took as the only criterion as the fact that she practices in my neighborhood. The first contact was very bad. Obviously, there were personal problems to solve it. I did not go back. And I took the month before consulting another. ,

Silvi Angel’s opinion: “For a shrink, it is important to start by asking for advice. First, in the spread of treatments, the type of treatment is adapted to your problem. Then to shrink, which will be best with you according to your experience and your personality, your difficulties and your expectations. Avoid anonymity of yellow pages. For example, you can contact your normal businessman who knows you well and used to send your patients to shrink. He will be able to recommend you one. ,

Psychology has developed a directory to help you choose the professional who will support you in this very personal adventure. MonapusWhich lists psychologists (psychologists, psychiatrists, psychiatrists …), which is recognized by the representative of the profession and/or state graduates’ main organizations.

Can we consult a friend or parents shrinking?

“When I was dismissed, I went to see my friend François,” Antony says. A few months later, I fell in love with a young woman Nathali, which François presented me. I spoke a lot during my sessions. As a good doctor, the shrinkage remained on his reserve, but I felt that this craze for the woman angered her. A good day, François taught me that he was moving forward with Nathli. what a shock. My shrinking, who still attains François, knew it. He respected professional privacy, but I was ridiculed betrayal. ,

Silvi angl’s opinion : “Consult a friend’s shrinking presents some advantages , It avoids pretense and this friend can guarantee his doctor’s skills. But Antony’s case well shows the situation in which one shrinks himself if two of his patients know each other: he can get caught in a conflict of loyalty that endangens his duty of professional privacy. It is even more delicate when a shrinking obtains two members of the same family separately. If there is no indication of family therapy or couple, then it should be refused to do so. But you can consult the shrinking of a friend or parents for evaluation interview. Depending on your problem, it will direct you a colleague. ,

Do you have to shrink a man or woman?

“At the age of 17, I became anorexic,” says Elin. I was offered psychiatry. I insisted on chasing a man. I think I hoped to seduce him to convince him that I was doing well and avoiding a difficult introspection. He used to shrink a good, he was not fooled and we worked together for two years. After defeating my anorexia, I started a new analysis, this time with a woman, perhaps to cover me with her femininity. That my first shrinking was a man and the other woman, it counted me at this time. But originally, what I really helped was that they both knew the problem of anorexia. ,

Silvi Angel’s opinion: “ It is not important to choose a man or woman. Studies show that women, when they have breeding problems, prefer to talk to women about it, while men like to open their sexual difficulties for men. This does not mean that therapy cannot understand anything about the problems of men and women. If you do not have much confidence in one or the other, listen to yourself. If it does not start on a disturbed preference, then your treatment will all be better. At least, you have to find out the unconscious causes of your choice. You will definitely feel that it is above all professionalism of the doctor that matters. ,

What question to ask during the first session?

“In the first session, I unpacked my bag,” recalls Renee, “then Sikud said to me:” This is € 60 per session twice a week. “I accepted without provoking. But I could not take this kind of expense. After several weeks, I told him about it. He asked me how much I felt that I had to pay it and how many times I had it Want to see, with the interruption, I realized that I did not ask for any question in the first session: I was completely cured. Because I used to go back to others, by applying a price and a rhythm, he invited me to react to make my treatment suitable.

Silvi Angel’s opinion: “The first interview is an assessment. The shrinking tries to understand the main lines of your problem to give therapeutic indication: psychoanalysis, behavior, family medicine … on your side, you should also ask him questions. Check their skills: their training, which school it belongs to, etc. Treatment methods reveal themselves: value, frequency, structure (face to face, sofa, exercise). He should be able to explain his attitude honestly. Keep your important understanding on the alert, but beware of your estimates: what you rebuke are probably signs of resistance to getting involved in medicine. And if you do not “feel” it during this first interview, do not hesitate to consult another. ,

How do I know that my shrinks suits me?

“I was going through a serious conjugation crisis. Different, sad, I decided to consult a shrinking. During several sessions, he listened to me carefully, puncturing my story of “friendly” comments: “He has said that he has said! “, He was a friendly and I was advised to give me a direct advice,” in such a case. I could not implement. I am guilty and I could not think for myself when I realized to disrupt any discussion with my husband. I stopped everything, so I had sold six months.

Silvi Angel’s opinion: “Beware of psychiatrists who take you into a relationship of dependence: The purpose of therapy is to lead you to more autonomy in the management of your grief. To find out if your shrinking is right for you, give yourself what you feel. The sympathy you experience for him is an important criteria, but not enough. You may have sympathy for Charlon. You should feel that your shrinking actually hears you and you are progressing. Beware of those who believe in miracles you. Psyes cannot guarantee the result of treatment or its duration, which largely depends on your commitment, your motivation and your difficulty, a specific symptom – a specific symptom – discharge of phobia, passion focused on passion. Leave psychiatrists coming out of your professional structure – for example by an invitation to dinner – or who violate the morality code: professional privacy, respect for your oblivion, your physical and sexual integrity … “

Which structure should shrink in which structure?

Do you have to consult your shrinking privately or publicly? Based on the type of structure:

Personal : You can consult: Psychiatrist – Doctors specialized in psychiatry, they are authorized to prescribe drug treatment (consultation made by social security); Psychological – holders of a third cycle in psychology, they perform a support activity; Psychoanalytic – they practice psychoanalytic treatment after personal individual individual psychoanalysis; Psychiatrist; Psychopractors.

public : You can consult psychiatrists or psychologists: psychiatry services of hospitals; CMP, Medico-Sociological Center (addresses in Town Hall); Bapus, University Psychological Assistance Office for Students (Free Consultation).