How to stay motivated all year long? 5 tips that actually work, according to a study
Like most French people, the beginning of the year often starts with good resolutions: we go to the gym, we eat a balanced diet, we drink two liters of water a day… and this also applies to the world of work . As we start again, we impose new habits on ourselves, like stopping procrastinating, becoming better organized, implementing new projects, etc. However, the drop in motivation can be felt immediately and these good resolutions disappear, so, how can we stay motivated throughout the year and survive these ups and downs?
According to a recent study conducted by deliriumThe language learning app has simple tips to keep your commitments throughout the year and limit the loss of motivation.
How to achieve your goals?
According to the report, when learning a new language, it is worth remembering your initial motivation when learning a new language, whether it is traveling (20% of French people), promoting one’s professional career (17% ), whether pursuing a hobby (16%) or studies when it comes to young people (14%).
And this also applies to the habits and challenges we want to adopt throughout the year. The study notes four effective tips to ensure you meet your objectives:
Set realistic and measurable goals
When establishing new habits, it’s important to set achievable goals. Although ambition can take you far, there is no point in starting things that are difficult to achieve. So we proceed in stages. This helps you avoid getting tired and giving up.
Get organized and establish a routine
This is confirmed by studies deliriumOrganization is the key to achieving your goals and not losing motivation: “It has been shown that spending 15 minutes every day on learning is more effective than completing one long session per week.” According to James Clear, bestselling author of Atomic Habits:“One little thing can change everything. (…) In the long term, the quality of our lives often depends on the quality of our habits.
surround yourself with things to keep busy
Whatever the purpose, it will always be achieved with greater joy by sharing it. Join a community, take on challenges with your loved ones… the key is not to be alone. We know it’s much easier to motivate yourself together.
stay strong and congratulate yourself
What could be better than perseverance and kindness to yourself to keep your motivation up? Remember to congratulate yourself on every success, even if it is small. Being proud of what you have achieved helps ensure long-term motivation. You are your best investment!