If you adopt these behaviors, you are at the root of conflicts without knowing it.

If you adopt these behaviors, you are at the root of conflicts without knowing it.

With a conflict, in friendship, with family or in a couple’s relationship, the first reflex will typically think that this is not his fault. We are not going to lie, it is easy to highlight the actions of a person that injures us, to question ourselves. However, it is also important to take back a step on your behavior.

As a doctor Courtney WarrenThere are many self-breaking habits that reduce relationships without any account. ,Sometimes, the biggest threat to our relationships is not what our partner does – this is what we do without realizing it! Self-grip behavior can quietly destroy connections, confidence and privacy over time.

5 toxic behavior in a relationship

According to the professional, therefore there are five behaviors to monitor, because they can harm relationships, whichever is their nature:

  • Staying emotionally unavailable: Not opening emotionally is a real obstacle in a relationship. If we want to create a healthy and permanent story, we have to work on this behavior.
  • Curly threatens to leave: it is very toxic behavior, often used by drugs or manipulations.
  • To join inactive-invasive communication, such as “I am fine” when you feel a strong feeling: this is the best way to cut any conversation and go to a conflict gainare.
  • Criticism, insult or return it to your partner by feeling “at least”. : It is a form of psychological violence that can leave the result in a partner who suffers.
  • Be silent or refuse to communicate: This attitude can complicate the relationship and prevent the problem from solving.

Approval: First step towards healthy relationships

For a psychologist, there is no shame in adopting this type of behavior, however, it is important to be aware of it to gain control and make a healthy and permanent relationship.

she explains: “Self-torment is often contained in fear, insecurity or past injuries. If you find yourself getting entangled in these behaviors, then take a break. Awareness is the first step. Change begins when you recognize these models and you are committed to better.