If you do not want to work at all, apply these tips

If you do not want to work at all, apply these tips

There are days and days without. And when you start your day without a desire to work, it may look particularly tall. Lack of sleep, quantity of work, slight depression or far away holiday for our taste Reduce our inspiration,

You probably know this feeling. You are really at work, but delay in starting the moment because you have a lack of energy, that you cannot focus or which you don’t want to do now. If ever it seems that nothing can protect us from lack of inspiration, then there are tips to actually apply.


Start a short walk, do a game session or start with stretching or yoga. You can allow you to start your body and keep enough energy want to work,

Physical activity can help you feel better, can increase your energy levels and facilitate your reflection, concentration and work, note Veryvelmind,

Explain your goals

It can be difficult to start someday because the goals are not clear, which we do not know where to start or because the quantity of work is very important. Start the work by reading a two-do list by reading the day missions and establishing a way to achieve them. May be required for motivation,

“Start by clarifying your vision and goals. Most people lack inspiration because they do not know where they are going, Xander writes for Friday, coach and writer ForbesThen take immediate action, whatever it is. ,

Priority to easy tasks

Starting the day with a long task is difficult and discouraged. Although some people like to get rid of the most difficult first, it may be necessary to do this A soft introduction,

Read your email, organize your meetings, take stock of things to do this week or help you by taking useful phone calls, recommend Very,

Plan reward

If only gratuity does not motivate you to work, then you have to use some strategies. Promote you a littleAs any activity, activity can be effective to activate the reward system to motivate yourself slightly. A treatment, a moment of relaxation, a coffee, walking out …

Set goals and reward yourself when you reach them. On the other hand, be careful not to have correct expectations. “An error is that the quality of performance matters to you when the quality of performance be rewarded for the amount of tasks or for speed.” Harvard Business Review,

Make way for positivity

Finding ways to cultivate positive emotions on a daily basis Make a real impact on your inspiration and productivityAdvance Lura Park, Inspiration Specialist, CNBC,

Positive emotions, a funny friend or a message for video, stimulate performance at work, puncturing the day. 100% diving more diving into work without experienceing any happiness can lead to more reverse than you think.