Index of Personal Growth Urdu
The Index of Personal Growth Urdu (IPG) is an indigenous self-report measure that aims to assess the level of personal growth experienced by an individual. The IPG was developed through a series of two studies conducted on postgraduate students, with a sample size of 400 individuals (200 males and 200 females). The first study aimed to generate items for the development of the IPG, while the second study was conducted to establish its factorial validity and internal consistency.

The IPG has a four-factor solution that accounts for 34.7% of total variance. The resulting eigenvalues provide support for the multi-dimensional structure of the IPG. A total of 35 items loaded at .30 or above with coefficient alpha of 0.80, indicating high reliability and internal consistency of the IPG.
To establish the construct validity of the IPG, three separate studies were conducted. The first study aimed to find out the correlation between the IPG and Short Index of Self-actualization (SI), an established measure of self-actualization. The study was performed on a sample of 90 postgraduate students (45 male and 45 female) and resulted in a high correlation coefficient of .63 (p < .000) between the two measures. In the second validity study of the IPG, the relationship between the IPG and Urdu translated version of Internal Locus of Control Scale (ILCS; Levenson, 1974) was examined.
The study, which had a sample of 150 postgraduate students (75 male and 75 female), indicated that personal growth and internal locus of control are significantly related to each other (ry = .45, p < .000). In the third construct validity study, an indigenous self-report measure of self-disclosure, named as Self-disclosure Situations Inventory (SSI), was developed, which can be used to measure the general level of self-disclosure as well as self-disclosure flexibility. Part Il of the same study focused on the relationship between personal growth and self-disclosure, indicating a significant positive relationship between the two variables.
Overall, the IPG is a reliable and valid measure of personal growth that has been established through factor analysis, coefficient alpha, and correlation coefficients. It has been tested in several studies and with different samples, indicating that it is a robust and versatile measure of personal growth.
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