Keep this personality characteristic forward to stand out of the recruitments

Keep this personality characteristic forward to stand out of the recruitments

We are encountered with great classics of almost all (or let’s let) job interviews. “How will you describe yourself in a word?” “Or” what is your biggest quality? “And on the other side,” what will be your biggest defect? , But without discouraging recruitment,

To meet all these expectations, the card of perfectionist is often played to blame as a quality. But this type of answer has been given so much that it will not allow your negotiator to know if you tell the truth or if you are trying to convince it. On the other hand, a personality may be characteristic Which will allow you to stand out,

Essential property at work

Have you ever heard of Big Five? Developed by Lewis Goldberg in the 1980s, it is a model that represents personality in five main lines. The opening, excess, pleasures, neuroticism and discretion. According to this theory, we all have these personality symptoms, but some exist more than others. And according to Benjamin Granger, work psychological, one of them can serve us as a job interview.

Flow CNBCThe expert explained that Consciousness can be a property To expose during a professional interview. If the word does not talk to you, it really nominate the organized, responsible and worker’s tendency. “Dutting character makes it possible to predict performance in many jobs. This is why he is universally precious for employers, ”he writes.

Prove your discretion during interview

So of course, any worker can say organized, honest, reliable and responsible. But you still have to be able to show it? For Benjamin Granger, This is not enough to declare yourself like thisThere are ways to show it directly, as is in our way of presenting our things. In many job interviews, recruitors may ask questions about challenges you have to take in previous jobs or make a difficulty in which you can be encountered during reputed work. Show the methodology: Reference, describe what you have done, resolve this problem and, if it is a previous experience, then finish on what you have learned from this test.

In addition, during the interview, your time ban and your preparation level, especially about the situation or company, should help you confirm this personality characteristic. And if you are not very honest, Show that you want to be like thisStefano Teseli says, “Showing your desire to be honest can be as important as it is really important.” Harvard Business ReviewAsk questions about missions, take interest in organizational methods and question that the work of the team can be a way of testifying your will for your will.