Layouts to Avoid for Counselling

Layouts to Avoid for Counselling

Here in this post, we are providing the “Layouts to Avoid for Counselling “. You can discuss more your concerns about mental health in our community, and we will provide you with tips and solutions in a short time. Keep visiting Mental Health.

Layouts to Avoid for Counselling

Some things to avoid when designing the therapeutic space include the following:

  • Closed-in Spaces
  • Clutter
  • Potential Triggers
  • Fixed Seating
  • Neglected Waiting Rooms

Closed-in Spaces

Refrain from using “prison-like” spaces with hard surfaces and no windows. Rooms like these can imply punishment or make clients feel they are unable to escape.


Keeping the therapeutic space tidy and neat helps maintain a sense of calm and orderliness.

Potential Triggers

Artwork that inadvertently depicts sadness, violence, or death may contribute to feelings of vulnerability or trigger other mental health issues the client is experiencing.

Fixed Seating

Allow the client to adjust the seating arrangement to give him or her a sense of agency. Clients may also be uncomfortable if the therapist’s chair seems to be made from better materials or is built to be higher than their own chair. This can make the client feel inferior and the therapist seems unapproachable.

Neglected Waiting Rooms

Waiting room layouts are also significant. Poorly designed ones may increase client anxiety and can give the worrying impression that the individual will not get an inadequate level of care. Administrative areas like reception and record-keeping must also be incorporated in a way that does not affect the client’s waiting period negatively.

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