Model of Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Model of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Here in this post, we are providing the “ Model of Cognitive Behavior Therapy”. You can discuss more your concerns about mental health in our community, and we will provide you with tips and solutions in a short time. Keep visiting Mental Health.

The A B C D Model of CBT

Human emotions and behavior are determined by our belief systems and the way we process events, rather than the actual events themselves. The ABCD model of cognitive behavior therapy is presented b Albert Ellis 1957.

There are the following component of this model

A Activating Event

B Belief System

C Consequences

D Disputation

 Model of Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Model of Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Activating Event

A situation or person that triggers dysfunctional thinking.

This situation of people doesn’t cause their feelings their benefits. Their belief about these events does. Individuals may or may not have control over the activating events, but can focus their attention on how to manage their reaction to activating events that they have little or no control over.

Belief System

An individual’s belief system that they filter everything through.

These can be rational beliefs, (consistent with reality, based on fact and data), or irrational beliefs (not supported by evidence or reality). It is usually irrational beliefs that are the source of an individual’s concern.


The emotional or cognitive consequences of the interaction between the activating event and belief systems. A and B.

These are the obvious signs of discomfort, such as anxiety, depression, anger, fear, guilt, and so on. Rational beliefs tend to lead to healthy outcomes, while irrational beliefs tend to lead to unhealthy consequences.


Disputing the irrational beliefs and thought patterns.

An individual has to come to the realization themselves that their belief system is the cause of their problem, and have to want to change that. Once irrational beliefs are eliminated, these then need to be replaced with a more healthy rational, and consistent belief system.




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